AudienceView Connect

Legends Price Types-Limits Page

The following image illustrates the the Legends application Price Types|Limits page:

The Legends application Price Types|Limits page contains the following properties: 

Field Description
Item Group Determines what the limits are being counted against:
  • None: No admission counting will be performed.
  • Performance: The item grouping limit will be applied to performances using the price type.
  • Series: The item grouping limit will be applied to series using the price type.
  • Series Group: The item grouping limit will be applied to all of the series within the same group.
  • System: The item grouping limit will be applied system-wide.
  • Week of the Year: The item grouping limit will be applied to the week of the performance (in the current year), starting on the Sunday.
Customer Group Determines what the limits will be applied to:
  • Customer: The customer group limit will be applied per customer account.
  • System: The customer group limit will be applied system-wide.
Roles The role(s) that apply to the limit.
To select more than one role, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
If limits are set against a particular role, all roles will be required to add a customer to their orders so that the purchases can be tracked and then the limits can enforced when appropriate.
Min/Order The minimum number of admissions that can be purchased per order for this price type. If a value is not entered, no minimum per order restriction is applied.
Max/Order The maximum number of admissions that can be purchased per order for this price type. If a value is not entered, no maximum per order restriction is applied.
Increment The incremental number of admissions that can be purchased per order for this price type (e.g. if this is set to 2 then customers can purchase 2, 4, 6 admissions and so on). If a value is not entered, no incremental restriction is applied.
Cap The maximum number of admissions that can be purchased for the combination of the selected 'Item Group' and 'Customer Group' options. If a value is not entered, no 'Cap' limit is applied.
Do not enter a limit if you do not require one. Setting the 'Cap' to an arbitrary number, such as 99, could affect the application's performance.
Start Date The date and time the limit will take effect.
Enter a date into the field or click to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
End Date The date and time the limit is no longer in effect.
Enter a date into the field or click to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.