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AudienceView Documentation

Rich Text Formats and Operations for Messages


Rich Text Buttons and Operators

The tables below list the different operations and formatting tools that you can use to edit a message.

Viewing Source and Rich Text

Icon Action Description
Source [Off] The Rich Text formatting tool is activated allowing you to use the Rich Text formatting tools. The Source Text View is disabled.
Source [On] The Source Text View is activated allowing you to view the source code for the formatted text. This will allow you to manage any errors that occur. The Rich Text View is disabled.
For more information, refer to Using the Source Editor to Create the Content of a Message
Minimize Buttons and Icons Allows you to minimize the panel of buttons and icons. You can view the entire message without the buttons or icons in view.
Maximize Buttons and Icons Allows you to maximize the panel of buttons and icons. You can view and use the icons and buttons.

Initially Creating a Document

Icon Action Description
New Page Allows you to create a new message page.
All existing content in the page is removed and a new page is displayed allowing you to create a new message.
Preview Allows you to preview the message in a new web browser window. The message will be displayed as it will appear when delivered to the recipient list.
Templates Allows you to select a pre-existing format and use the formatting and layout for the message.
For more information, refer to Selecting and Using a Template for a Message.

Basic Editing and Printing

Icon Action Description
Cut Text Allows you to highlight text and remove it from the document. The cut text is temporarily retained in memory so that you are able to paste the text elsewhere in the message. You can also use CTRL+X to cut text.
Copy Text Allows you to highlight text and copy it. The highlighted text remains in the document and is temporarily retained in memory so that you can paste the text elsewhere in the message. You can also use CTRL+C to copy text.
Paste Text Allows you to paste cut or copied text from memory into the message at the position of the cursor. You can repeatedly paste the copied text as frequently as you want. You can also use CTRL+V to paste text.
Paste As Plain Text Allows you to paste cut or copied text from memory into the message at the position of the cursor. The text is copied as plain text without any formatting at all. You can repeatedly paste the copied text as frequently as you want.
Paste From Word Allows you to paste cut or copied text from a Microsoft Word document from memory into the message at the position of the cursor. The selected Microsoft Word text is copied as text with the Microsoft Word formatting still intact.
For more information, refer to Copying Selected Text from Microsoft Word Documents into a Message.
Print Document Allows you to print the message on a local or network printer. Follow the prompts for printing as displayed by your computer's operating system.

Undoing or Repeating Actions

Icon Action Description
Undo Action Reverts the message to the state prior to the action that was just performed. You can also to use CTRL+Z to undo the last operation.
Redo Action Reperforms the action that was just performed and duplicates it at the position of the cursor. You can also use CTRL+Y to redo the last operation

Searching for and Replacing Text

Icon Action Description
Find Text Allows you to find specific text in a message.
For more information, refer to Searching for Text in a Message.
Replace Text Allows you to replace specific text in a message with newly entered text.
For more information, refer to Finding and Replacing Text in a Message.

Managing Formatting

Icon Action Description
Select All Allows you to select all of the text, formatting and images within the body of the message. You can also use CTRL+A to select the entire body of the message.
Remove Formatting Allows you remove the formatting of highlighted text in a message. The highlighted text will revert to its default formatting.

Text Formatting

Icon Action Description
Bold Applies/removes bold formatting to highlighted text and/or bolds entered text. You can also use CTRL+B to apply/remove bold formatting.
Italic Applies/removes italic formatting to highlighted text and/or italicizes entered text. You can also use CTRL+I to apply/remove italic italiziced formatting.
Underline Applies/removes underline formatting to highlighted text and/or underlines entered text. You can also use CTRL+U to underline text.
Strike Through Applies/removes strikethrough formatting to highlighted text and/or strikesthrough entered text.
Subscript Applies/removes subscript formatting to highlighted text and/or subscripts entered text.
Superscript Applies/removes superscript formatting to highlighted text and/or superscripts entered text.

Creating and Using Lists and Blocks

Icon Action Description
Insert or Remove a Numbered List Inserts/removes a numbered list at the position of the cursor in the message. You can insert/remove a numbered list by highlighting the text/numbered list and clicking the 'Insert/Remove Numbered List' icon again.
Insert or Remove a Bulleted List Inserts/removes a bulleted list at the position of the cursor in the message. You can insert/remove a bulleted list by highlighting the text/bulleted list and clicking the 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List' icon again.
Decrease Indent in a Numbered or Bulleted List Decreases the indentation of the current line of the bulleted or numbered list.
Increase Indent in a Numbered or Bulleted List Increases the indentation of the current line of the bulleted or numbered list.
Open and Closes a Block Quote Creates/removes an indentation of a block of text. You can indent a block of highlighted text, or you can enter text that will be indented into a block.

Message Layout Justification

Icon Action Description
Left Justify Left justifies the selected text in your message. If selected, all entered text will be left justified.
Centre Justify Centre justifies the selected text in your message. If selected, all entered text will be centre justified.
Right Justify Right justifies the selected text in your message. If selected, all entered text will be right justified.
Block Justify Block or full justifies the selected text in your message. If selected, all entered text will be block justified.

Links and Anchors

Icon Action Description
Link Inserts a hyperlink in the selected text that the reader can click on and view the associated page.
For more information, refer to Creating a Link in a Message.
Unlink Removes a hyperlink from the selected text.
Anchor Allows you to create an anchor or an internal link inside the message. Readers can click on the anchor link to navigate instantly to the anchor spot in the document.
For more information, refer to Creating and Using an Anchor in a Message.

Adding Special Characters and Objects

Icon Action Description
Image/File Allows you to include an image or a URL to a file in the message.
For more information, refer to Inserting an Image in a Message and Inserting a File in a Message.
Table Allows you to include or edit a table in the message.
For more information, refer to Inserting a Table in a Message.
Insert Horizontal Line Allows you to insert a horizontal line in the message to facilitate sections in the text.
For more information, refer to Inserting a Horizontal Line in a Message.
Emoticon Allows you to insert an emoticon into the message.
For more information, refer to Inserting an Emoticon in a Message.
Insert Special Character Allows you to insert a special character into the message.
For more information, refer to Inserting a Special Character in a Message.
Insert Page Break for Printing Allows you to insert a page break at a convenient point in the message to facilitate better printing.
For more information, refer to Inserting a Page Break in a Message.

Text Styles, Sizes, and Fonts

Icon Action Description
Styles Allows you to select the style of the text for the message. You are able to select between a block style for text or inline styles.
Paragraph Format Allows you to select a paragraph format for the text of the message. The highlighted text or the text being typed will display or be entered in the selected paragraph format.
Font Name Allows you to select a font for the text of the message. The highlighted text or the text being typed will display or be entered in the selected font.
Font Size Allows you to select the size of the font for the text in the message. The highlighted text or the text being typed will display or be entered in the selected font size.
Text Colour Allows you to select a colour for the text in the message. The highlighted text or the text being typed will display or be entered in the selected font colour.
Background Colour Allows you to select a background colour for the text in the message. The highlighted text or the text being typed will use the selected background colour.
You cannot use a background colour with tags. Doing so will cause an XML validation error.

For more information, refer to Customizing the Message Text Appearance.

Viewing the Document and Editor Version

Icon Action Description
Maximize Maximizes the size of the message editing window. To return the window to the normal size, click the 'Maximize' icon a second time.
For more information, refer to Viewing the Message in Full Screen.
Show Blocks Displays the message in the separated blocks if blocks are used.
About CKEditor Allows you to view the version information for the CKEditor.