AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Notes Dashboard Report


The Notes dashboard displays the due and overdue notes that have been created by or are owned by the current user.

Notes Dashboard Report Criteria

The following table describes this dashboard report’s criteria:

Criteria Description
Notes Due Enables you to filter the dashboard report based on the 'Due Date' of the note:
  • Today
  • This Week

Components Section

The components section is only available to dashboard reports. It is used to determine the way the sections of the dashboard report are actually displayed.

The following table outlines the configurable aspects of dashboard reports:

Field Description
Row Number Determines the vertical order that the areas of the dashboard report will be displayed. If there is a gap between the row numbering (e.g. if components have been assigned 'Row Numbers' 1 and 3, but none have been assigned 2), a blank row will not be displayed on the AudienceView Desktop.
Column Order Determines the horizontal order of that areas of each row will be displayed. If there is a gap between the column ordering (e.g. if components within a single row have been assigned 'Column Order' 1 and 3, but none have been assigned 2), a blank column will not be displayed on the AudienceView Desktop. To leave a blank column, you must use the 'Column Indent Width' dropdown.
Column Width Determines how wide each component will stretch across a row. The dashboard is techincally 12 columns wide. Selecting one of the values from the dropdown will determine the percentage of the row that component will fill:
  • 3: 25%
  • 6: 50%
  • 9: 75%
  • 12: 100%

    If the components on a single row exceed the maximum width, the component listed lower in the components section of the dashboard report will be forced to the next row on the AudienceView Desktop.

    The combined values of the 'Column Width' and 'Column Width Indent' fields should not exceed 12 (i.e. 100%).
Column Indent Width Determines how far the components on a row will be indented from the left-hand side of the dashboard.
The dashboard is techincally 12 columns wide. Selecting one of the values from the dropdown will determine the percentage that row will be indented:
  • 3: 25%
  • 6: 50%
  • 9: 75%

    The combined values of the 'Column Width' and 'Column Width Indent' fields should not exceed 12 (i.e. 100%).