The following image illustrates the Correspondence application Messages|Build page:

The Messages|Build Page
The Messages|Build page allows you to construct the email message that will be sent to your selected customer.
You are able to create your message using a feature-rich rich text editor. The rich text editor allows you to format your message text using standard typographical effects (e.g. bold, italics, underline, strikethrough), bullets, text alignment, several fonts and font sizes. The rich text editor allows you to copy content from Microsoft Word directly into your message page. You are also able to insert tables, images and URLs to direct readers to other related sites. You are also able to use specific content tags to personalize the message to the reader (e.g. inserting the reader's name into the message).
The editor also allows you to link to specific on-sale performances or bundles, as well as articles and miscellaneous items. The editor allows you to view the HTML source code to perform edits when required or desired.
The editor also provides a few templates to choose from to assist you in formatting your message easily.
For more information regarding the rich text and souce editors, refer to Using the Rich Text and Source Editors.