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AudienceView Documentation

AudienceView 6.8.1 Fixes

Desktop Fixes

Issue Solution ID
When an order contains a miscellaneous item with a 'Type' of Other, service charges are not being applied after a delivery method is selected. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The expected service charges are being added to orders that contain miscellaneous items with a 'Type' of Other.
When an Agent customer account is on an order and you cannot convert the order to an offer using the 'Make Reservation' button on the Customer Services application Order|Summary page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Orders with Agent customer accounts can be converted to offers; however, the Agent customer number will be populated in the 'Customer Number' field instead of the 'Agent Customer Number' field on the Customer Services application Offer|Summary page.
The calendar option is missing from the Application Security application Users|Content and Group|Content pages. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The calendar option has been added to the Application Security application Users|Content and Group|Content pages.
It is not possible to control the content of the Customer Services application Order|Order History|Charges page with the Order History: Charges nor with the Order History Order Service Charges content option available in the Application Security application. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Deprecated Registry entries in the Registry::EN::Content Management node were not being updated when systems were migrated to newer versions of AudienceView. This is particularly true if a user/group was configured using the now deprecated values. New migration scripts will updated deprecated values.
The Customer Services application Order|Order History|Charges page is controlled by the Order History Order Charges option in the Application Security application Users|Content and Group|Content pages.
You are unable to report on customers who have used a promotion access code via BI. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Promotion Code ID criteria has been added to the Customer BI.
Drawdown bundles are not being recalculated properly when items on the bundle are refunded. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Drawdown bundles are being recalculated properly when items are refunded.
When searching for a gift card that has been purchased, used and then reloaded using the Customer Services application Gift Certs/Card|Search page, multiple rows of search results are returned. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Customer Services application Gift Certs/Card|Search page now returns one row of search results with the most current balance.
An incorrect Correspondence Detail ID is generated when unsubscribe links are inserted into email messages. Instead of displaying the appropriate article, the error.asp page is displayed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Unsubscribe links are correctly generating the Correspondence Detail ID.
When a data field or question has been configured so that 'Optional' is set to No, the --Select One-- text does not display. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The --Select One-- text is displaying for data fields or questions when they have been configured so that 'Optional' is set to No.
Changing the 'Delivery Method' or 'Payment Type' on a saved quick sale order (Customer Services application Order|Summary page) displays message 1242: The Business Object is in an invalid state and cannot be used: TSmapBO, preventing you from being able to update the order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
You can update a saved quick sale order as expected.
When the Registry application Registry::EN node's 'Locale' field is set to nl_NL, BOCA tickets are being printed with 0.00 instead of the actual price. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
BOCA tickets are being printed with the correct prices regardless of the locale.
When searching bundles via the Customer Services application Bundles|Search page, the 'Next On Sale' date value renders as an invalid date value when a bundle is both on-calendar and on-sale (i.e. the year is 1900). When a bundle is on-calendar now but on-sale later, the date value renders correctly. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The column header has been renamed 'On Sale', and the date is displayed correctly for the role being used to view bundle search results.
Double-clicking the add 'Add Payment' button on the Customer Services application Order|Summary page was erroneously adding extra payments to the order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Customer Services application Order|Summary page no longer allows you to double-click the 'Add Payment' button.
This fix helps to clean up the helps traces and logs.
Email messages containing an incorrect email address will not send when it is rescheduled. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When the remote SMTP is enabled, emails that experience temporary failures will be rescheduled. The following message will appear on the Correspondence application Messages|Schedule page:

The latest attempt to deliver this message resulted in some soft bounces. Soft bounces occur when the customer’s SMTP server indicates that a temporary error has occurred. This message has been rescheduled, and will be re-sent to the affected email addresses at the date and time below.

When a message has been rescheduled to Send Later because of a temporary failre, and any changes are made/saved to the schedule the following message appears: (label2)

Changing the schedule of this message will mean that the scheduled re-try of soft bounces will be prevented. Continue?

Applying a 'Default Value' to a field where the field is Unbound causes the UI to display the attached list's 'Key' instead of the label/'English' value. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The label/'English' values are now being displayed when a 'Default Value' has been added to an Unbound field.
When the Remove duplicate address 'Message Delivery Option' is selected on the Correspondence application Messages|Basic page and the BI query being used actually contains duplicate email addresses, the message's 'Send Now' scheduling option is changed to 'Send Later' with a future date. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The failed delivery count was being increased if the email address was a duplicate. The fail count resulted in an attempt to resend the message, which altered the delivery schedule.
This is no longer happening, and messages are being sent according to the chosen schedule.
If there are charge rows but no corresponding pricing rows, a warning message should appear.
If a price chart is created via the Venue Configuration application Price Charts pages, and a charge row has been configured on the Price Charts|Charges page, but nothing has been defined on the Price Charts|Pricing page no warning message is presented.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
If a price chart contains charges, but no pricing warning Message # 5597: There are currently charges associated with the price chart that do not have corresponding price rows. Continue? is displayed when 'Create' is clicked.
Cannot filter gift searches by the fund's 'GL Code' when creating a link to a gift. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Fund GL Code' field has been added to The Find Gifts Dialog Box. This field is available when creating links to gifts via the Correspondence application and Content Management application.
When a seat has message on it, the screen shakes when you attempt to select it on the Customer Services application Seat|Map page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The black bar that displays the message at the top of the Customer Services application Seat|Map page was attempting to accommodate the full text. The screen no longer shakes when, and seats can easily be selected.
When using Internet Explorer 9, you cannot select any of the options available under the 'Options' menu on the AudienceView Desktop without using the keyboard short-cuts. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Options listed under the 'Options' menu can be selected without using the keyboard short-cuts.
You are unable to configure the quantity of a miscellaneous items that appear in the 'Quantity' dropdown using AudienceView Online. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Online node's 'Max Items' field controls the number of miscellaneous items that can be purchased. This is set to 10 by default.
Payments are being rejected when an address' apartment and building numbers are both included on address line 1. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Addresses are being verified when apartment and building numbers are both included on address line 1, and payments are being processed.
You cannot create an order with a Mail delivery method type when the customer account does not have a 'Country' or 'State/Province' indicated, even if the fields are not required fields. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
AudienceView now only requires that the 'Street Address' field be filled out instead of requiring all of the address fields.
Miscellaneous items require an option to be packaged as part of a bundle, even when the item does not require different options (e.g. a parking pass). When the bundle is added to an order, the miscellaneous item appears as Unavailable, the 'Quantity' field is read-only, and the 'Continue' buttons are greyed out This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Miscellaneous items do not need to have 'Options' to be sold via a bundle.
When an order containing a gift certificate that used the Email delivery method is updated, the gift certificate's 'Redemption Number' changes. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Redemption Number' of a gift certificate on an order that used the Email delivery method will not alter when the order is updated (unless the order is reprint).
Drawdown bundle charges are not being recalculated when the bundle is updated. The included service charge is remaining on the Drawdown performance, causing an error because the bundle value becomes $0.00 and the bundle is trying to retain the included service charge. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The included charges on a Drawdown bundle are being calculated properly.
When multiple bundles with different service charges (all of which are configured with a Per Order 'Calculation' with a 'Cap' of 1) are added to an order, only one service charge is levied against the entire order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
All of the applicable bundle charges are being applied to the order.
When purchasing a bundle containing a miscellaneous item that has a default value, the default value should be auto-populated when the customer is going through the purchase flow. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
AudienceView Online behaves in the same manner as the AudienceView Desktop so that the minimum quantity is auto-populated when a bundle containing a miscellaneous item that has a default value is purchased.
You cannot update a scheduled payment on an order that has been loaded via the Customer Services application Order|Search page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Scheduled payments on a saved/loaded order can be updated.
An error occurs when you attempt to change a customer's address or click the 'Add Address' button to add a new one an existing order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Customer address can be changed on existing orders.
When attempting to update an order containing a miscellaneous item that is not available to the role, the user is presented with an error message stating that the promotion access code is invalid. This error message is unrelated to the actual error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The incorrect error message does not appear, and the user can update the order.
Seats are being displayed as Unavailable on the Customer Services application Seat|Map page when they are actually sold because the price/price zone is not available to the currently used role. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Sold seats are now being shown in Customer Services application Seat|Map page even if the price/price zone is not configured for the currently used role.
Quick Sales is not processing payments.
The Customer Services application Seats|Quick Sales page is displaying an error message when the 'Create Payment' button is clicked, indicating that a 'Payment Method' must be selected even if one has been.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error message is no longer appearing.
When a widget is inserted in the body of an article via the Content Management application Articles|Text page using Internet Explorer 7, the widget does not display. Instead an error icon appears. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Widgets can be added to an article via the Content Management application Articles|Text page using Internet Explorer 7.
The draw down destination pop-up only appears on the Customer Services application Order|Bundles|Bundles page.
When removing a Draw Down performance from an order a pop-up appears allowing the user to determine if the money will be returned to the order or to the bundle; however, this message is only appearing on the Customer Services application Order|Bundles|Bundles page.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The pop-up message now appears on the Order|Bundles|Seats page as well.
Updated renewal price types (for bundles) on the Customer Services application Order|Summary page are not reflected on the Order|Bundles|Seats page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Updated renewal price types (for bundles) on the Customer Services application Order|Summary page are reflected on the Order|Bundles|Seats page.
Performances must be on-sale on the Venue Configuration application Performance|Calendar page before they appear for sale within a bundle. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
As long as the performance is not explicitly off-sale, the Product Configuration application Bundles|Calendar page will override the Venue Configuration application Performance|Calendar page.
Bundle price type names concatenate on the Customer Services application Order|Summary and Order|Bundles|Bundles pages. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The bundle price type names display properly on the Customer Services application Order|Summary and Order|Bundles|Bundles pages.
Payments are being rejected when an address' apartment and building numbers are both included on address line 1. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Addresses are being verified when apartment and building numbers are both included on address line 1, and payments are being processed.
When Not Applicable is selected from the Application Security application Roles|Basic page, users receive the Message# 5656: The Address State is not Allowed by Role message when they attempt to create a customer account via the Customer Services application. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Customer accounts can be created by roles that have Not Applicable selected from the Application Security application Roles|Basic page's 'Allowed Address States' field.
Deadlocks occur when adding/removing admissions to a performance via the Venue Configuration application. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The deadlocks no longer occur when adding/removing admissions to a performance.
When you change the 'Default Value' for the Registry application Registry::EN::Collection Objects::TSCorrespondenceCO::Fields::Status node error Message # 4004: %n validation error(s) occurred. appears. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error message no longer appears, and the 'Default Value' of the Registry application Registry::EN::Collection Objects::TSCorrespondenceCO::Fields::Status node can be altered.
Promotion limits are not being enforced when the promotion is applied to a performance for one role, and a price chart for another.

When a promotion with a limit of two is assigned to:
  • a customer via a benefit;
  • a performance via the Venue Configuration application Performance|Calendar page for one role (e.g. Box Office); and
  • a price chart via the Venue Configuration application Price Chart|Pricing page for another role (e.g. Internet); the promotion limits are not being enforced and the customer with the benefit can purchase more than two tickets to the performance.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Promotion limits are being enforced correctly for the applicable roles.
When selling tickets using Cash via Quick Sales a validation error occurs.
After selecting seats via the Customer Services application Seats|Quick Sales page, adding them to the order and changing the 'Payment Method' to Cash, some of the credit card specific fields remain visible. When the order is created, a validation error displays indicating that some of the required fields have not been completed althought the field are not applicable to the sale.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When Cash is selected as a 'Payment Method' only the appropriate fields remain displayed and the order can be created.
When seats are removed from an order that contains both 'Ship to' and 'Billing' customers (with or without refunding the purchase price) a database error occurs. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The database error no longer occurs and seats can be removed/refunded as expected.
Removing delivery methods from price types causes database blocking.
When 'Allowed Delivery Methods' are removed from the Legends application Price Types|Details page, a database error occurs.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
'Allowed Delivery Methods' can be removed the Legends application Price Types|Details page without any issues.
Add logging for BI execution, add session ID to report execution logging. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Visibility to which BIs have been executed via the Application Security application Audit pages has been removed. The auditing is now recorded in application log on the server and in greater detail.
Events with $0.00 pricing models can not be updated. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Pricing models can now contain $0.00 pricing models. The default pricing amount has been changed from 0.01 to 0.00 in the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSperformanceBO::Model Pricing node 'Amount' field and the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSmapBO::Model Pricing node 'Amount' field.
Orders containing more than one pass are not pushing the admission details of the secondary customer to the second pass.
When orders are created that contain more than one pass, the second pass (with a customer assigned to it) is printing but without the customer details on it. The first pass prints via as expected
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
All of the passes are printing with the apporpriate custoemr information.
New versions of charges are not taking effect, and the default price is being charged regardless of charge versions. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
New versions of charges are taking effect.
AudienceView incorrectly identifies itself in the HELO/EHLO command using the local machine name when communicating with the remote SMTP server. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Registry application System::Configuration node 'FQDN' (fully qualified domain name) field has been added. This field must contain a value if you are using the Remote SMTP server option. This value will appear in the email header.
For more information, refer to Setting Email Correspondence to use a Remote SMTP Server.
Caching takes too long for changes to charges to take effect.
In some cases, the caching takes hours or does not take effect until an IIS reset is performed.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Changes made to charges are being updated on the performances and orders within 1-2 mintues.
When a role is not Allowed to Leave Single Seats, and a single seat is left on the Customer Services application Seats|Map page, the expected pop-up message appears indicating that a single seat would remain; however, when the pop-up is closed and an attempt is made to select alternate seats error message 1242: This business object is in an invalid state and cannot be used. TSmapBO appears. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error message no longer appears, and alternate seats can be selected.
The decrypt function is missing from the TScustomerCO.
Direct debit payment methods can be created and saved against a customer account. Decrypt function was added to TSorderCO, TSorderPayment and TSreportCO, so that these details could be extracted. The same function should be available to the TScustomerCO, so that these details from a Customers BI query.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The decrypt permission was added to the Application Security application User|Permissions and Group|Permissions page's TScustomerCO, allowing you to pull encrypted card information via a Customers BI query. This functionality is diabled by default.
After paying with for an order using a customer's account balance, the customer account balance is not being updated. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Customer account balances are being updated after the funds are used to pay for an order.
There's a duplication of code around order charges calculations. It does not cause any errors in calculation and does not have any side effects. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The duplicate code has been removed.
When large numbers of email messages are sent, they are being sent in series instead of in parallel, which takes a considerable amount of time. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Email messages are now sent in parallel using multiple worker threads, considerably speeding up the time that it takes to distribute the messages.
The following fields have been added to the Registry application System::Business Objects::TSmessageBO node:
  • Failed Message Rerun Interval: If a message fails to be sent it will be resent after the time indicated, providing that it's a temporary failure (e.g. the mail box is full) and not a permanent failure.
    This is set to 24h by default.
  • Minimum Worker Threads: This is the minimum number of threads that will be used to send the email messages.
    This is set to 1 by default.
  • Maximum Worker Threads: This is the maximum number of threads that will be used to send the email messages.
    This is set to 50 by default.
  • Worker Thread Shutdown Wait Seconds: If errors occur while sending emails each thread will have the defined amount of time (in seconds) to finish before moving on to the next email.
    This is set to 60 by default.
  • Pool Thread Shutdown Wait Seconds: If errors occur while sending emails all threads will have the defined amount of time (in seconds) to finish.
    This is set to 300 by default.
The AVScheduler crashes when sending large batches of emails. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The thread pool creation/queing has been syncornized. Log messages have also been added in case of future failures. A memory leak issue was also fixed.
A donation of any kind 20 characters in length causes the system to hit an arithmatic overflow, creating a credit on the order that can be saved. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
By default, only a donation of 10 characters or less can be made. This amount is configurable via the Registry application Registy::EN::Business Objects::TSorderBO::Gifts::Pledge Date node 'Maximum Length' field.
Admission hold statuses are not in sync across servers. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Admission hold statuses are syncing across servers.
Partial payments applied to bundle admissions are erroneously being allocated to the last performance first. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Partial payments are now being applied to the performance with the earliest start date first.
An error occurs when seats are exchanged on a multi-venue/series Drawdown bundle. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs and the seats can be exchanged.
The 'Site Option' field is missing from the Content Management application Sites|Basic page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Site Option' field has been added to the Content Management application Sites|Basic page. Select eCommerce to identify the site as an online/ecommerce site so that transactions can be processed.
The Registry application System::Configuration::Payment Gateways::Servebase node's 'internet_transaction' dropdown has been removed and replaced with '3DSecure_enabled' dropdown. Selecting Yes from this dropdown will enable 3D Secure transactions.
When users select an order number from the Customer Services application End of Day Balance|Orders page, a pop-up message stating that The AudienceView desktop is required for this feature instead of opening the Order|Summary page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Order|Summary page now displays when an order number is selected from the End of Day Balance|Orders page.
When a performance has two calendar rows, one with a promotion and one without, and the associated price chart contains price types without promotions and a price type with a promotional, all of the price types (regardless if they are on promotion) are displayed when the promotion access code is entered. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The price types are displaying properly.
The ticket numbers and statuses of miscellaneous items included within bundles are rolling back when orders are reloaded. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The ticket numbers and statuses of miscellaneous items included within bundles remain when orders are reloaded.
When the Delivery Method strategy is set to Intersection, a performance with delivery methods A, B, C and D is added to the shopping cart, delivery methods A, B, C and D are available on loginDelivery.asp page. If a stored value item with delivery methods A and B is then added to the shopping cart, delivery methods A and B are available on loginDelivery.asp page (an intersection of both items, as expected). When the stored value item is removed from the order, only delivery methods A and B are available on loginDelivery.asp page instead of all four options. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Delivery Method strategy re-evaluates the available delivery methods once items are removed from the shopping cart.
The ticket numbers and statuses of miscellaneous items included within bundles are rolling back when orders are reloaded. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The ticket numbers and statuses of miscellaneous items included within bundles remain when orders are reloaded.
An error occurs when searching for a performance via the Customer Services application Seats|Search page using the 'Available Section' field. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs, and any applicable search results are returned as expected.
When 'Select All' is used on the Venue Configuration application Performance Management|Search page to make changes to the Price Zones (or Hold Types) of multiple performances, the changes are only being applied to the first performance. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Changes that are made to price zones and hold types using 'Select All' on the Venue Configuration application Performance Management|Search page are being applied to all of the selected performances.
An error occurs when a 'Ship-To' customer is added to an order that contains agent and customer accounts. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs.
The General Configuration property in the Application Security appliation User|Content and Group|Content pages contains items that are not applicable to the General Configuration application. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The following items have been removed from the General Configuration property:
  • Articles Basic
  • Articles Calendar
  • Articles Criteria
  • Articles Form Fields
  • Articles Select
  • Articles Text
  • Sites Branding
  • Sites Menu Items
  • Sites Select
Hold that have been updated via the Customer Services application Seat|Map are not being updated properly in Venue Configuration application Performance Management|Holds page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Holds are being updated identically in both the Customer Services application Seat|Map and the Venue Configuration application Performance Management|Holds pages
An internal application database error occurs when attempting to access an audit entry via the Application Security application Audit|Search page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs and audit entries can be accessed.
An error occurs when a new brand is added to a site via the Content Management application Site|Branding page that utilizes the same 'Primary Linked Featured', 'Secondary Linked Featured' and/or 'Tertiary Linked Featured' This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs, and multiple brands can share linked feature articles.
Message 5585: There are price rows that are not zero that do not have charges. Continue? still appears even if the price chart contains only zero-value rows. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The message no longer appears if the price chart only contains zero-value rows.
The Same Seats bundle 'Option' is not working when customers purchase bundles via AudienceView Online. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The same seats are being selected when customers purchase appropriately configured bundles via AudienceView Online.
After customers have exchanged their seats for every performance in a bundle (for single performances), but their bundle and renewal seats have remained the same, when the bundle with the same seats are sold to another customer both of the customers share the same renewal seat. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Two customers can no longer share the same renewal bundle seat. Message 5333: No possible bundle seat(s) in your current admissions are available for use as a renewal seat for your bundle(s). Release and re-create the bundle(s) will appear if an order attempts to use a renewal seat that has already been assigned to a customer.
The search results returned on the Customer Services application Order|Order History pages are not stretching to fit the window. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.11.
The search results are now stretching to fit the size of the window. If the result columns are wider than the window, the scroll bar appears.
The Find Bundles dialog box is producing duplicate results when a link is being created within an article via the Content Management application Article|Text page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Find Bundles dialog box is no longer producing duplicate results.
There are redundant promotion entries in the Application Security application Users|Content and Group|Content pages' Online and AVTiki properties. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The following redundant content options have been removed from the properties where they erroneously appeared (Online and AVTiki):
  • Promotion - Bundles
  • Promotion - Calendar
  • Promotion - Search Results
  • Promotion - Miscellaneous Items
  • Promotion - Miscellaneous Items Membership
  • Promotion - Miscellaneous Items Merchandise
  • Promotion - Miscellaneous Items Pass
  • Promotion - Miscellaneous Items Other
Deleting a bundle element from a previous sold bundle via the Product Configuration application causes a system error when any of the orders with the original bundle are loaded. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Bundle elements cannot be deleted once a bundle containing the element has been sold. Instead a system error is returned and element is not deleted. Elements can be deleted if any sold items are first removed from orders.
The Customer Services application End of Day Balance|Summary page is displaying all users and dates. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Customer Services application End of Day Balance|Summary page is displaying the current day's transactions that are pertinent to the user that is currently logged in.
When payment method is pre-selected and populated in the new order being created, the payment method record was not being initialized correctly. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The correct payment type and fields are being populated when a saved payment method is used on an order.

Online Fixes

Issue Solution ID
When customers create reservations for print-at-home tickets after their card was declined, they are receiving PDF tickets along with their reservation confirmations. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Customers are no longer receiving PDF tickets with their reservation confirmations.
When searching by date, the results are not properly sorted. Then if a filter is applied, the order changes. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When you search by date, whether you enter the date manually or select a date using the calendar/calendar widget, the search results are sorted by the earliest date. If a filter is selected (e.g. a month filter), the search result order will not change.
When reprint/forwarding bundle admission on a pass, the CancelEventOnCard request is no being sent to Fortress, and the original ticket number on the pass remains active. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The CancelEventOnCard request is sent to Fortress when a ticket on a pass is forwarded or removed.
The CancelBarcode request is sent to Fortress when an admission on pass is cancelled.
The contact phone number appears on the logindelivery.asp page without labels or context. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A label now appears identifying the phone number.
Invoicing an offer through the Utilities application incorrectly increases the offer count on the offers tab in the customer's account. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The appropriate number of offers are displayed on the offers tab in the customer's account after they are invoiced via the Utilities application.
Switching between the Best Seat Available tab (seatSelect.asp) and the Select Your Own Seats tab (mapSelect.asp) causes the mapSelect.asp page to appear as a blank white page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
You can now switch between the two tab freely.
After entering a promotion access code on the best available page, the validation pop-up does not display (although the code is accepted). This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A validation pop-up is appearing on the best available page when promotion access codes are accepted.
When customers select offers with future dates from within their accounts, they are redirected to the error.asp page and the following message is displayed: The Offer is not available to be added to the order. User has to start again/login. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
If the offer's 'Start Date' is in the future, Offer Available will appear with the 'Start Date' underneath it. On that date, customers will be able to accept/partially accept/decline the offer.
The Offer Available label can be configued using the Registry application Registry::EN::Online::Offers node 'Offer Available' field.
When searching for a performance via the calendar widget, and then clicking the right arrow to navigate to the next month, a NAN error, the days of the week are in English (for multi-language installations) and the widget freezes. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The calendar widget no longer displays the NAN error, and customers can navigate from month to month.
When a default payment method has been set against the WebSales (e.g. Visa) group, the Payment Information section of the orderContact.asp page does not display unless 'Change Payment Method' is clicked. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Payment Information section of the orderContact.asp page displays automatically when a default payment method has been set against the WebSales group.
When you zoom-out of a seat map using Chrome, the image shifts further into the top-left corner of the screen. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The image no longer shifts.
The payment method's 'Payment Name' is being displayed on the orderContacts.asp page instead of the 'Label'. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The payment method's 'Label' is now being displayed on the orderContacts.asp page.
If an apostrophe is added to one of the online fee messages (Registry::EN::::Application::Online::Seats::Fee Message [1-5] nodes), the pick-a-seat functionality breaks, the 'Full Map' button does not work and the pop-up messages stop working. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
You can now added apostrophes to the Registry::EN::::Application::Online::Seats::Fee Message [1-5] nodes without impacting the online functionality.
When online users recover their passwords, an incorrect password is generated that cannot be used to log-in. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Online user users can use the Forgot Password link to reset their passwords. Customers can then use the temporary password that they receive to log-in.
When navigating directly to the login.asp page, users receive an Record not found error after they log in. This does not happen if users are linked to the login.asp page from the default.asp page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Users do not receive the Record not found error regardless of how they login: directly from the login.asp page, redirected via a link to the login.asp page or using the Login widget.
Orders containing partial payments from both gift card/certificate and credit/debit cards cannot be processed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
You can now complete an order using a combination of gift card/certificate and credit/debit cards, or a combination of gift card/certificate and PayPal/PayPal Express.
When the gift card/certificate amount is equal or greater than the order balance, the payment options disappear.
The price type 'Name' is being displayed instead of the 'Label' on the pick-a-seat map. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The price type 'Label' is being displayed on the pick-a-seat map.
When re-visting an event that has previously been selected, you are returned to the previously selected section of the pick-a-seat map. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When you reselect a previously selected performance, you are directed to the seat map overview screen where you can select a section.
When users attempt to gift an order from the friendlyDispatch.asp page, an http Error 404 Not found error occurs. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
An additional customer (friend) can be added to the order without causing the 404 error.
When users attempt to gift an order the pop-up is empty and the customer details cannot be added. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The pop-up consistently displays the applicable fields and the additional customer (friend) can be added to the order.
When you hover over a screen on the mapSelect.asp page while in the Full Map, the block of seats are 100% opaque. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When you hover over a screen on the mapSelect.asp page while in the Full Map, the block of seats are now only 25% opaque, so that it is easy to tell which block you are hovering over.
The 'Download' button on the viewOrder.asp page does not allow online customers to print unprinted items on a previously printed order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Download' button on the viewOrder.asp page now allows customers to download any items on the order that are currently in an unprinted state. In earlier versions the button was disabled if any order items had previously been printed.
The following labels in the Registry have been added/modifed:
  • Registry::EN::Application::Online::Orders node's 'Download Tickets Label' field now states Only items that have not been downloaded previously will be downloaded. Ensure that you save or print the file immediately after downloading it.
  • Registry::EN::Application::Online::Orders node's 'Download Tickets Full Reprint' field has been added and states All of the tickets on this order have already been downloaded.
It is unclear that the 'Update Changes' button on the orderContact.asp page allows users to change their selected payment method.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Update Changes' button on the orderContact.asp page has been renamed 'Change Payment Method'.
Clicking a deep-link to a performance that is off-sale, returns a blank screen instead of displaying the 'Performance Required' message as configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Online::Message node. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Performance Required' message is being displayed when a deep-link leads to an off-sale performance.
Customers are unable to update their credit card information after entering an invalid card on the orderContact.asp page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Customers can update their credit card information on the orderContact.asp page.
If a default landing page is not defined on a site, AudienceView Online will not load and a JScript error will be displayed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
If a site is created without a 'Default Article' set on the Content Management application Sites|Basic page (prior to AudienceView 6.2) or the Sites|Branding page (after AudienceView 6.2), the site will still load with the configured menu items (Sites|Menu Items page), the 'Page Header' and the 'Page Footer' articles (Sites|Basic page).
All three of the Search Results widgets do not display any pagination; therefore, only one page of performance results can be viewed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When more than one page of search results is returned, customers can navigate between them using the pagination.
A 500 error occurs after selecting seats and then a delivery method on the oderContact.asp page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error was being caused by empty 'Default Address Fields' and 'Default Contact Fields' values in the Registry. Null values no longer cause this error.
When a user is directed to a sold out performance via a deep link there is no message indicating that the show is sold out. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A sold out message appears when users access a sold out performance via a deep link.
Payment methods are being displayed using the 'Labels' followed by the 'Name' in parentheseson on the AudienceView Online orderContact.asp page.
This is standard practice in the Desktop where disambiguation is required; however, this is not desirable in AudienceView Online and in instances when no disambiguation is required.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The payment method 'Labels' are being displayed in AudienceView Online without the 'Names'.
When you attempt to check the balance of a gift card, a 500 error occurs in the pop-up. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Gift card balances can be checked.
The payment installment option does not hold payment preference when data validation fails.
When a customer selects the payment installment option, and there is an error in the data entry (e.g. incorrect credit card data), the application displays an error message, and at the same time switches the payment option back to Pay in Full. This switch might go unnoticed, and once all information is corrected and submitted, the credit card is charged with the entire order balance amount, which is not expected by the customers.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
If an error occurs while completing a payment intstallment plan, the option remains selected.
When a large number of performances are on-sale, AudienceView Online hits an SQL limitation. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1. AVT-7388
Users cannot save 'Order Marketing Data' fields during the AudienceView Online sales process.
When customers enter information in a blank 'Order Marketing Data' field and then selects a payment method, the field refreshes; however, if users enter the information again after selecting a 'Payment Method' it is saved as expected.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
'Order Marketing Data' fields do not refresh when customers select a 'Payment Method'.
The 'Excellent' availability colour is not displaying when 100% of the seats are available.
The AudienceView Online availability indicators are set via the Registry::EN::Application::Online::Availability Thresholds node. By default, the 'Excellent Percent' is set to 100, the 'Good Percent' is set to 50, etc. Any percentage between that range (e.g. 65%) will cause the Excellent indicator to be displayed; however, when 100% of the seats were available, no indicator was displayed.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Excellent indicator now displays when 100% of the seats are available for a performance.
The My Account pages are displaying performances' 'Description' instead of 'Short Description'. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The My Account page now display performances' 'Short Description'.
The Hourly Ticket Sales report is not populating the 'Charges' column. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Charges' column is now populated correctly.
Charges are not displaying on the Performance Sales By Price report. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Charges are now displaying correctly on the Performance Sales By Price report.
The Ticket Sales by Performance report is not populating the 'Charges' column. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Charges' column is now populated correctly.
The Wrap report returns the incorrect 'Project Values' when Series is selected from the 'Report On' dropdown. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Wrap report returns the correct 'Projected Values'.
The Scanned Tikcets by Hour report returns an Invalid column name 'gate_type' SQL error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The SQL error no longer occurs.
The Real Time Access Control report returns an Invalid column name 'gate_type' SQL error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The SQL error no longer occurs.
Random authentication failures are being caused by invalid memory access. AudienceView Online users are periodically failing to authenticate, displaying a message that Online cannot proceed at this time or that the user cannot authenticate because the code is attempting to access a memory location after it has been freed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The authentication failures are no longer occuring.
When an order is created AudienceView Online and is paid for using an 'Account' balance, the order's information is not being recorded. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
AudienceView Online orders that are purchased using an Account balance are being recorded.
When searching by date, the results are not properly sorted. Then if a filter is applied, the order changes. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When you search by date, whether you enter the date manually or select a date using the calendar/calendar widget, the search results are sorted by the earliest date. If a filter is selected (e.g. a month filter), the search result order will not change.
If a promotion access code is entered before a performance's on-sale time then a No price for the admission (when using seat select) or a No seats were found that match your criteria. Modify your search or select a different performance. (when using best available) error is displayed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error messages no longer display when a promotion access code is entered before a performance's on-sale time.
When using Internet Explorer 9, users have to scroll to find and use the 'Add To Basket' button on mapSelect.asp page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Scroll bars no longer appear when Internet Explorer 9 is set to 100% zoom.
When the venue has multiple screens/sections and Show Seats is clicked, the seats are not being displayed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Both the seatResults.asp and showSeats.asp pages display seats for performances with multiple screen venue.
When sending a batch of emails, the record being inserted or updated in the AVScheduler is causing a not valid error. The error prevents the rest from being transmitted, and only one of the emails being is sent. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Registry application Registry::EN:: TScorrespondenceBO::Correspondence Details::Country and Registry::EN:: TScorrespondenceBO::Correspondence Details::State nodes' 'Unbound' attribute dropdown has been set to Yes, by default, so the validation error does not occur when the AVScheduler is trying to insert a 'Country' or 'State' value that is not on the list.
Once seats have been added to the shopping cart using best available, the online user is unable to click Try Again to select alternative seats for that event. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Try Again link on the shoppingCart.asp page works, allowing customers to select alternative admissions for the selected performance.
If customers access an on-calendar/soon-to-be on-sale performance via an article's deep-link, they are directed to the seatSelect.asp page where the This event is not on sale yet message displays (as expected). When customers click the browser's 'Back' button and then attempt to access the performance again once it has gone on-sale, they receive the same message. It is not until that customers close their browser and begin a new session that they can purchase tickets to the performance via the deep-link. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
If customers have accessed an on-calendar/soon-to-be on-sale performance via an article's deep-link, they do not need to restart their browser sessions to purchase tickets once the performance goes on sale.
When customers log-in via a Login widget that has been inserted in an article, they are redirected to the maintainAccount.asp page instead of being returned to the article that was being viewed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When customers log-in via a Login widget, they are returned to the article that was previously being viewed.
Users are unable to add money to reloadable stored value items nor can they check the existing balance. An error occurs stating that the gift certificate/card does not exist. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Stored value items can now be reloaded and existing balances can be checked.
The 'Display Month' field of the calendar widget is case senstive. If a month is not capitalized when it is entered, no results will appear on the calendar. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Display Month' field of the calendar widget is no longer case senstive. If a month is not capitalized when it is entered, results will still appear on the calendar.
The try again link on performances/items in the shopping cart is causing confusion during the purchase flow.
When seats are added to the shopping cart via the mapSelect.asp page, the try again link appears in the shopping cart. If users click the link, they are returned to the seatSelect.asp page for the performance in the cart. If users navigate to the mapSelect.asp page, the seat map does not render.
If a second performance is then added to the cart, the try again link appears for both performances; however, both links direct users to seatSelect.asp page for the performance most recently added to the shopping cart.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
  • If seats are added via the mapSelect.asp page, the try again link does not appear in the shoppingCart.asp page.
  • If seats are added for a single performance via the seatSelect.asp page, the link appears with the performance.
  • If a second performance is added to the shopping cart, the link does not appear anymore.
When reprint/forwarding bundle admission on a pass, the CancelEventOnCard request is no being sent to Fortress, and the original ticket number on the pass remains active. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The CancelEventOnCard request is sent to Fortress when a ticket on a pass is forwarded or removed.
The CancelBarcode request is sent to Fortress when an admission on pass is cancelled.
The alternative syntax used to suppress the "promo code accepted" pop-up when a the promotion access code parameter is passed in on a URL is causing a tampering error.
The alternative syntax is promocode_access_code_url=[PROMO] as opposed to promocode_access_code=[PROMO].
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Using the promocode_access_code_url=[PROMO] syntax when deep-linking to an item with a promotion access code supresses the "promo code accepted" pop-up
The AudienceView Online My Account offer count and customer notification does not appear if the offer was created using the Utilities application. Offers do appear when users select the offer tab of their on My Account. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The offer count and customer notification appear in My Account when offers are created via the Utilities application.
When the ship-to functionality has been disabled, the timeout clock in the shopping cart are (in the upper right-hand corner of the screen) does not appear on the loginDelivery.asp page, but reappears when custoemrs continue to the orderContact.asp page. The clock does appear on the loginDelivery.asp page when the ship-to functionaligy is enabled. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The timeout clock appears on the loginDelivery.asp page regardless if the ship-to funtionality has been disabled or not.
The Miscellaneous Item Category options is missing from the Business Intelligence|Criteria and Business Intelligence|Results pages when creating an Order BI. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Miscellaneous Item Category options is available again.
Recommended gift amounts do not appear on the donationDetails.asp page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Recommended gift amounts now appear on the donationDetails.asp page. The Recommended Amount label is configurable via the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Online::Gifts node's 'Value Types' field.
Customers cannot complete orders using partial payments when a percentagae of the total is paid using a 3D Secure payment method and the other portion is not (e.g. accounts and gift cards). This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Customer can now complete orders using partial payments when one of the payments is 3D Secure and the other is not.
When a performance has the Enable Alternative Online Best Available 'Option' selected, and the venue only has one section configured, you are unable to select the desired seat quantity. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The available section is auto-selected and users can select a quatity of seats.
The search results differ if you click 'Go' button or press ENTER. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The search results are identical whether you click 'Go' button or press ENTER.

Business Intelligence and Reports Fixes

Issue Solution ID
When there is a space in a formula 'Name' (on the Business Intelligence|Formulas page) and that formula is one of the result members (on the Business Intelligence|Results page), you cannot email a PDF extract of the report. When the space is replaced with an underscore the PDF extract of the report can be emailed as expected. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A formula 'Name' can now contain spaces and PDF extracts will be successfully emailed.
When selecting a date using the calendar widget (), the date is appearing as #### ##.##. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The selected dates are appearing as the proper, expected values.
Formulas that use the SUM function will not save nor will they extract to CSV. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Formulas can now be saved and extracted to CSV when the SUM function is used.
When the Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone report is generated with the 'Group Price Types By' set to Price Description or Price Type Description and Price Type, the output columns do not appear in alphabetic/numerical order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The output columns appear in alphabetic/numerical order.
The Unbalanced Order report no longer renders the order numbers as hyperlinks. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The order numbers on the Unbalanced Order report, allowing you to easily navigate to orders.
When the Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone report is run for a series with default criteria, but 'Group Price Types By' dropdown is set to Price Type Group and Price Type the final group appears to get intersected by another group. Each part of the split has its own summary, with the totals in the second still calculating those from the first. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The price types are no longer intersected by another price type group.
The Gift Certificate/Card Transactions report shows the incorrect 'Purchased' and 'Balance' figures in regards to reloads. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
  • Reversal/Return of a Gift Card/Cert Reload: When a gift card is purchased or reloaded and then deleted from the order, the removal from the order is displayed as a negative number in the 'Purchase' column on the report, reversing the purchase/reload.
  • Reversal/Return of a Gift Card/Cert (not yet redeemed): When a gift certificate is purchased then deleted from the order, the removal from the order is displayed as a negative number in the 'Purchase' column on the report, reversing the purchase.
  • Reversal/Refund/Void of a Gift Certificate/Card payment: A redemption that is reversed, using the 'Void' or the 'Refund' buttons on the gift certificate/gift card payment, appears in the 'Redeemed' column as a negative number, reversing the redemption. The balance returned to the gift card/certificate displays in the 'Balance' column.
When the following criteria is used on the Wrap report, the incorrect formula is being used for the 'Projected Values':
  • 'Include Open Holds' dropdown set to Always
  • 'Output' set to Performance, Performance Description or Series
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The incorrect formula being used was: [Net amount from Total to date] + [(seats open)*(performance model price)*(capacity of venue minus holds)]
The corrected formula is now being used: [Net amount from Total to date] + [(seats open)*(performance model price)]
Reloading gift card transactions incorrectly persists the payment reference in the Gift Certificate/Card Transations report. For example:
  1. Purchase Gift Card A for $10.00 and Gift Card B for $20.00.
  2. Reload Gift Card A with $5.00.
  3. Pay $3.00 of an order with Gift Card B.
  4. Reload Gift Card B with $4.00.

    The reloaded amount of $5.00 on Gift Card A displays under the 'Purchased' column of the Gift Certificate/Card Transations report (as expected).
    The reloaded amount of $4.00 on Gift Card B displays under the 'Redeemed' column of the Gift Certificate/Card Transations report (not expected).
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Both of reloads are displayed under 'Purchased' column in Gift Certificate/Card Transactions report.
Sales Audit report is timing out. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Sales Audit report is now a Historical report rather than Current State. This means that if the report is generated for a specfic date/range, the results returned will be the same regardless of when the report is generated.
The unallocated amounts were being generated correctly.
The report is no longer timing out.
The Customer Payment Account Number criteria (when creating a Customer BI) is not masked by default. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Registry application Registry::EN::Collection Objects::TSCustomerCO::Fields::Customer Payment Account Number and Registry::EN::Collection Objects::TSCustomerCO::Fields::Card Number nodes now have the following default configuration:
  • The 'Mask' field is set to 0x -4o
  • The 'Masked' dropdown is set to Yes
The 'Projected Value' in the Wrap report does not equal the 'Projected Value' on Performance Availability report, and it does not update correctly when the admission Price Zone is changed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Projected Values' for the Wrap report and Performance Availability report are the same across all performances.
The AVScheduler is sending reports late. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A new parameter, 'highWaterMark', has been added to the AVSchedulerSvc.exe.config files to control number of threads in thread pool. The lower the value of the parameter means more higher sensitivity of the thread pool to the number of task in the scheduler queue. The default value is equivalent to 'maxThreads' value.
Dates in reports become localized based on the operating system's settings, rather than the standard/AudienceView localized values. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Dates are being output according to the standard/AudienceView localized values.
When a saved BI uses the Does not equal condition in the criteria, the list of multiple criteria joined by a + become a range using only the first two values that are listed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Saved BIs that use Does not equal display the individual items instead of becoming a range.
The Performance Settlement report is not displaying the price types in the correct order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Performance Settlement report is now displaying the price types in alphabetical order.
When here are gangways (entrances) in the middle of rows, and AudienceView has been configured so that the sections of seats on either side of the gangways are different (to prevent Best Available from assigning seats on both sides of the aisleway), the Hold Type Range report displays the rows with the incorrect number of seats on hold. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Hold Type Range report displays the correct number of seats on hold per row.
Scheduled reports are not adhering to allocated schedule.
The scheduler is sending saved reports on a Daily basis even though they are scheduled to be sent Weekly.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Scheduled reports are being sent at the designated times only.
The Performance Settlement report sorts the 'Sold' and 'Unsold' price zone columns inconsistently. The Unsold Admissions section is sorting the 'Price Zone' column headers 'Value' and then by 'Hold Name'. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Performance Settlement report now uses the same horizontal price zone ordering for the Unsold Admissions and the Sold Admissions sections.
The Hourly Ticket Sales report displays NaN in unexpected places. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Hourly Ticket Sales report no longer displays NaN.
Comps appear to be causing Reporting anomalies.
Ticket Sales by Performance report is not reporting returns when the report is executed without date constraints.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Ticket Sales by Performance report is reporting returns correctly.
When performing a count using the Customer object promo code criteria with a 'Type' of has a value, nothing is being returned. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Using the promotion criteria through a Customer object returns the correct results.
The Order object does not contain all of the fields related to gifts. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The following fields have been added to the Order object:
  • Gift ID
  • Gift Name
  • Gift Description
  • Gift Short Description
  • Gift Recommended Amount
  • Gift Recommended Value Type
  • Gift Marketing Data [1-8]
  • Gift Marketing Multi-Data [1-2]
When a second order is creating using the 'New Order' option, the Forwarding Tickets is not in list for cancel_reason message appears, preventing the creation of the second order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When enabling the ticket forwarding functionality, ensure that a 'Default Value' is entered for the Order: Cancel Reason attribute on the Application Security application Group|Attribute page.
For more information, refer to Enabling Ticket Reprinting and Forwarding for the WebSales Group.
Running the AV Transaction report using the same 'Contract Date' from year-to-year is modifying the 'Start Contract Date' by one day. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Start Contract Date' is not being changed when the AV Transaction report is being run from year-to-year.
Parent ID is labelled as Source Table.
The Source Table criteria that is available for Notes BI queries via the Business Intelligence application Business Intelligence|Results, Business Intelligence|Criteria and Business Intelligence|Filters pages is incorrectly labelled.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Source Table criteria that is available for Notes BI queries via the Business Intelligence application Business Intelligence|Results, Business Intelligence|Criteria and Business Intelligence|Filters pages has been renamed Parent ID.
The Price Chart Summary report is sorting by 'Label' instead of 'Value', which is inconsistent with other AudienceView reports. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Price Chart Summary report is sorting by 'Value'.
A 500 error occurs when a Bundle BI query that uses Order Renewal Section Name, Order Renewal Row or Order Renewal Seat as result members is run. The Business Intelligence|Preview page displays message Information Message #5528 There was an error executing a query. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Bundle BI queries that use Order Renewal Section Name, Order Renewal Row or Order Renewal Seat as result members can be run successfully.
A number of miscellaneous item criteria is missing from the Customer object. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The missing miscellaneous item criteria has been added to the Customer object.
The first row of extracted data remains encrypted after the data is extracted for the first time (and before accessing the Business Intelligence|Preview page). This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
All rows are being decrypted when appropriate.
If an Admission BI query is created using the 'Admission Acquisition Cost', 'Admission Amount 1' and 'Admission Amount 2' criteria, a 500 error occurs. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The amount fields for 'Admission Acquisition Cost', 'Admission Amount 1' and 'Admission Amount 2' criteria in the database are now bigInt. The 500 error no longer occurs.
Incorrect LOG macro is being used.
The object name will not be pushed because LOG was used without any trailing number, which could potentially cause the application to crash.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The LOG macro changed to LOG1.
You cannot generate a list of customers with invalid email addresses so that you can remove them from the source BI query to ensure that they are not emailed again. The Email Response String and Email Response Code options are currently only available within the Correspondence object, preventing you from reporting on the required email delivery fields. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Email Response String and Email Response Code have been added to the Customer object.
The Donor Biography report is running for multiple customers.
When the Donor Biography report is run via the Customer Services application Customer|Basic page it returns results for all customers from the selected customer to the most recently created customer. It should only generate results for the one selected customer.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When the Donor Biography report is run from the Customer Services application Customer|Basic page it is only returning results for the currently selected customer.
The 'Street' and 'City' fields are not available under the TSvenueCO. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
All of the address-related fields have been exposed in the Registry application Registry::EN::Collection Object::TSvenueCO::Field node.
Scheduled reports are not adhering to allocated schedule.
The scheduler is sending saved reports on a Daily basis even though they are scheduled to be sent Weekly.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Scheduled reports are being sent at the designated times only.
The Payment Allocation report is not balancing with the Ticket Sales report or the End of Day Summary report.
When a scheduled payment has been cancelled/voided, the Payment Allocation report is not recognizing it as such.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Payment Allocation report now balances.
The Donations by Sales Date report does not filter the results by allocation date when criteria has been supplied (i.e. 'Allocation Date Format', 'Allocation From', 'Allocation To' and 'Allocation Fiscal Year End'). This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Donations by Sales Date report now filters correctly when allocation date criteria is supplied.
The Miscellaneous Items report does not produce any results when an option is selected from the 'Other Category' field. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Generating the Miscellaneous Items report using an option selected from the 'Other Category' field will produce the expected results.
When the GL report is executed, the following SQL error occurs: Incorrect syntax near the keyword with... This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The SQL no longer occurs when the GL report is executed.
The Order Detail by User Role report returns unexpected results based on definition of the 'Order Date' criteria (This is the date the order was created). When admissions are removed from an order, the order no longer appears in the Order Detail by User Role report results. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Order Detail by User Role report returns all orders based on creation date.
When running the Performance Pricing by Price Type report for a large number of performances with an even greater number of price charts attached to each performance the report is taking too long to generate on screen. When the report is scheduled to be sent via email, the Registry locks preventing all other scheduled reports from running. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Registry is no longer locking when the Performance Pricing by Price Type report is sent via email.
'Series Data 7' and 'Series Data 8' fields do not appear in Business Intelligence. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Series Data 7' and 'Series Data 8' fields are now available in the Admissions, Customers, Orders and Payments BIs.
Gift BIs are generating an incorrect SQL where clause when wildcards are used in 'Fund Names' and Does not equal is selected as the 'Condition'. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The an incorrect SQL where clause is no longer occuring.
The Wrap report is displaying the wrong price type and/or price type group.
A blank price type appears, but it contains a negative net value and negative count. These are refunds that should be part of an existing price type/group.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Wrap report is displaying the correct price types and price type groups
Running the Wrap report using the 'Report On' dropdown's Price Type Group option, results in an 'ambiguous column name' error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs when running the Wrap report.
The Ticket Sales report is displaying the wrong price type and/or price type group.
A blank price type appears, but it contains a negative net value and negative count. These are refunds that should be part of an existing price type/group.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Ticket Sales report is displaying the correct price types and price type groups
The End of Day Summary report runs for a long time. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The End of Day Summary report returns results within one minute when the 'Sales Date Format' is set to Yesterday or a Date Range of two days. When the 'Sales Date Format' is set to a Date Range of a month, the results are returned in less than two minutes.
Using 'First Word' results in a Saved Search BI causes error Message # 5517: Invalid result member in BI when a second search is performed. The search works if the search is reloaded. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error message no longer occurs and the search does not need to be reloaded.
When applying a sub-total within the results of a BI query, the 'Performance Description' and the 'SUM Order Admission Net' are being duplicated when the BI is extracted as CSV. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Performance Description' and the 'SUM Order Admission Net' are not being duplicated.
The service charges list is erroneously bond to the Registry application Registry::EN::TSorderCO::Fields::Miscellaneous Items ID node, which is causing service charges to appear in the 'Values' field for Miscellaneous Items ID in Business Intelligence. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The service charges list is no longer bound to the node. A picker has been added next to the 'Values' field that will open the Find Miscellaneous Items dialog box.
The Wrap report is incorrectly including all chrage type instead of just the Tax charge types. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Display Charge Type' field has been added to the advanced section of the Wrap report, enabling you to select the types of charges that you want to include in the report.
The Comp Admission Details report is displaying an incorrect count (one additional comp ticket) in the price zone section. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Comp Admission Details report produces the correct admission count in all sections.
The current CustomerPoints BI should be updated.. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The default version of the CustomerPoints BI query has been updated and will now generate a list of customers containing the sum value of the formula that your organization is using to determine the customer points/rank, the Customer ID, the exisiting 'Customer Rank', 'Customer Points' and 'Customer Total Members' field values, the sort order of the customer and the total number of customers pulled via the BI. The CustomerPoints BI query should be customized via the Business Intelligence and Reports application Business Intelliegence|Formulas page to suit your organization.

Access Control Fixes

Issue Solution ID
Access Control is displaying performances' 'Description' instead of 'Short Description'. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Access Control now displays performances' 'Short Description'.
Ticket numbers can be scanned in multiple times.
When a ticket is scanned in a second time, the scanner screen turns green instead of red and the customer can gain access to the venue. On the order, the ticket status reads Used In with the most recent scan date and time.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Tickets cannot be scanned in multiple times.
A pop-up indicating 3DSecure Authentication Required erroneously appears the PayPal Express Checkout icon is double-clicked in the shopping cart This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The pop-up is no longer appearing and transactions can be completed.

Payment Fixes

Issue Solution ID
Rolling back ServeBase Chip and Pin transactions fail because the capture method is not being sent. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The capture method is now being sent when ServeBase Chip and Pin transactions are rolled back.
When the Servebase 3D Secure MPI times out, a messages stating that the data was bad is returned to customers. This is caused because values returned from the 3D Secure processors are empty, instead of having a transaction status value that indicates a failure (such U in the case of the timeout). This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Servebase 3D Secure is returning more descriptive messages.
A pop-up indicating 3DSecure Authentication Required erroneously appears the PayPal Express Checkout icon is double-clicked in the shopping cart This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The pop-up is no longer appearing and transactions can be completed.
Tender Retail Chip & Pin refunds and voids are not working. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Tender Retail Chip & Pin refunds and voids will work as long as the 'Optional' is set to Yes on both of the applicable 'Card Number' and 'Expiry Date' nodes.
Cannot process Direct Debit payments because the bank address exceeded the 128 character limit. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The character limit has been increased to 250 and extraneous character spaces have been removed. Direct Debit payments are being successfully processed.
The 'Renewal Payment Method' field value is being reapplied to orders.
When the 'Renewal Payment Method' is removed from an existing order, the original selection still appears once 'Apply' has been clicked.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Renewal Payment Method' field remains blank once the original selection has been removed and the order is saved.
Transactions were going through the RedCard payment gateway without a valid PosID. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
RedCard payments are being sent with valid PosIDs and are being processed correctly.
RedCard 'void by reference' transactions does not send the new POSID nor the original payment's POSID and the payment fails, causing a rollback. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
RedCard transaction are being processed correctly.
Improve application logging around payment processing calls. This has been improved in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The payment processing logging has been moved from the payment handle to the payment interface level.
Declined 3D Secure transactions are causing a 500 error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Declined 3D Secure transactions work.
When a 3D Secure card payment fails, the 3D Secure authentication returns a void, which is invalid. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Failed 3D Secure payments return the correct authentication.
Enabling credit card encryption in the database breaks the blacklist function. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The encrypted account number is now compared with the blacklist entries so now both plain-text and encrypted values are checked.

Performance Fixes

Issue Solution ID
Memory leak in the delivery manager handle. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The memory leak has been resolved.
The Registry SO reads changes from the database while under a write lock, which pauses all active requests on a given server. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The Registry has been changed to read records outside of the write lock and only obtain the write lock when applying changes to the Registry.
Implement separate thread in cache service. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Separate thread in cache service has been implemented.
The Template Manager is leaking TSxslTemplateRecords on calls to extract on the Collection Objects. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The first record engine type is being returning, freeing up the records if any records are returned by cache.
The AVScheduler inserts an authentication record into ts_audit and then continues to process the scheduled job. Many jobs take a considerable amount of time to complete, leaving the record in ts_audit locked, which causes major performance issues whenever ts_audit is being queried without READUNCOMMITTED hint. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
New sessions authenticate in their own transactions, which only includes authentication and not the main job.
All of the promotion access codes are being cached as new codes are added, eventually consuming all of the server's RAM. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The memory leak has been fixed, and the RAM is no longer being consumed.
The BI query being used for the Customer Services application Customer|Customer History pages is causing performance issues. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The BI behind the Customer Services application Customer|Customer History pages has been updated, and two new indexes were added to the ts_order and ts_order_audit tables. The performance issue no longer exists.
The BI query being used for the Customer Services application Customer|Notes page is causing performance issues. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The BI behind the Customer Services application Customer|Notes page has been updated. The performance issue no longer exists.
Changes are not taking affect across all of the application servers. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The changes were not taking affect because empty records were trying to be retrieved (e.g. a deleted performance). All of the application servers are now synchronizing correctly.
The cache service managers have some incorrect logic when handling inserts causing an error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The logic has been corrected, improving the application's performance.
A memory leak of correspondence print records occurs when an admission is released. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The memory leak no longer occurs.
Several reports are consuming the servers CPU and causing performance issues. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The performance of the reports has been optimized, and the server CPUs are no longer being consumed.
An unnecessary SQL is executed in Online to retrieve information about Box Office performances. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A threading issue that occured when a performance was loaded has been corrected. A background thread that would clear the performance and cause another load the next time performance was accessed has also been corrected.
Improve performance of methods in TSdateTime and TSmguid used by the Content Management feed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The performance of TSdateTime and TSmguid have been improved.

Printing Fixes

Issue Solution ID
Re-issuing a pass is creating a new print request in Fortress rather than the expected re-issue action, causing the re-print to fail with a Fortress error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The correct re-issue action is being performed by Fortress, allowing passes to be re-issued.
After printing a pass via the Customer Services application Order|Summary page, the check box beside the pass is not being deselected. When users then attempt to print an admission on the pass from the Order|Bundles|Seats page, the entire pass is being reprinted. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The check box next to passes on the Customer Services application Order|Summary page is automatically being deselected once the pass has been printed.
Cannot print receipt for failed transactions when host communication lost. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A change was made in the printing of failure receipts to support EMV certification in Canada.
Values do not print when using 'Admissions Grand Total' and 'Admissions Net' on ticket templates. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 'Admissions Total' (the grand total) and 'Admission Net' (the net total) are printing on ticket templates.
When there is a multiple line address, the address is repeated on the AVDOC version of the invoice. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
AVDOCs now properly output the shortened text when text spans multiple lines.
An error occurs when attempting to batch print on a designated reporting server.
When a reporting server (set up to reduce the impact of running reports on the performance of the application) is used to run a batch print job, an error occurs.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs when the batch print job is run.
Blocks of text in AVDOC receipts are being shifted to the left (i.e. the left margin is decreased). When the receipt is generated immediately (i.e. auto-print/printed now) the text aligns properly. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Blocks of text in AVDOC versions of receipts do not shift.
To support Moneris' requirements, Tender Retail receipt printing needs to be updated. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Pre-formatted receipt text supplied by the Tender Retail payment gateway has been incorporated into the merchant and customer receipts, and a failure template for merchant failure receipt has been added.
Element computed values are not printing on ticket templates.
Signature cards are only printing some of the elements that were being printed in previous versions of AudienceView. In some cases removing an element and replacing it has solved the issues, but not all.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
All of the ticket template elements are printing as expected.
Pass Ticket Templates do not print the 'Bundle Name' nor the 'Bundle Description'. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
'Bundle Name' and the 'Bundle Description' are now printing on pass ticket templates.

AVScheduler Fixes

Issue Solution ID
Change the interval value in the AVSchedulerSvc.exe.config file from an absolute value to a duration. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
In previous versions of the AVSchedulerSvc.exe.config, the interval value was in seconds. For example, 900 would be entered to represent 15 minutes (i.e. 60 seconds multiplied by 15). Now, interval values must include the time unit indicator after the number (i.e. s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours).

Database Fixes

Issue Solution ID
The draw down destination selection to order is not working after the bundle is renewed through an offer.
When an admission is released from a bundle order (renewed via an offer) and Order is selected from the draw down destination pop-up, the money remains on the bundle instead of the order.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When an admission is removed from a draw down bundle, the money is moved to the selected destination.
Bulk emails are failing when the 'remoteSMTP' option is used when mail server responses exceed the 256-character column width in the database. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Failed record responses are being truncated to 255 character.
Cannot create orders because thousands of items in the SQL are retrieving charge rates.
When there are thousands of service charge rates (e.g. 50,000), and the user roles for these rates are being loaded, a massive SQL query is formed with thousands of GUIDs in the IN clause, causing SQL Server to return an error.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error no longer occurs and orders can be created.
TSmapBO does not generate audit_ID and causes changes attributed to the previous audited event. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A unique audit_id is now being created for each record and each sequence number.
The TSmapBO does not clear updated data, generating unnecessary database traffic.
When changes are made to a number of admissions via the Venue Configuration application Performance Management pages, the previously updated admissions are being saved each time that 'Apply' is clicked. This generates unnecessary database traffic.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Only one record for each update is being adding to the database.

Base Platform Fixes

Issue Solution ID
SMTP client crashes the application when trying to format a date for outgoing SMTP messages. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The SMTP client has been updated so that the application no longer crashes when messages are timestamped.
The readme.txt file should be removed from Online/ArticleMedia/Images/logos/ folder because it is flagged as a PCI vulnerability.
The file contains the following information:
* This folder is reserved for team or performance logos *
Logo images should be:
- transparent GIFs
- dimensions less than 70 x 70 pixels
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The readme.txt file has been removed from Online/ArticleMedia/Images/logos/ folder.

AVTiki Fixes

Issue Solution ID
The Facebook API has dropped the support for 'Description', 'Picture' and 'Name' in the JavaScript send function. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
When sending a saved notice to a Facebook friend, the link now displays the following message <Performance Description> on <Venue Description> at <Performance Start Date>. The message used to also contain the location of the seats.
Some additional configuration is also required:
  1. In a web-browser, navigate to Facebook’s developer site
  2. Login using a developer account with admin rights on your organization's Facebook page.
  3. Click 'Edit App' (or 'Create New App' if you are creating a new AVTiki instance).
  4. Select Advanced from the left-hand panel under Settings.
  5. Ensure that 'Stream Post URL Security' is set to Disabled.
  6. Click 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the screen.
The performance listing shown in AVTiki gives no indication that a performance is sold out or has no availability. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A performance availability indicator has added to AVTiki's performance listing.
AVTiki currently only adds a table column cell to each row of the performance listing if an image has been configured in the 'Logo 1' field of the Venue Configuration application Performances|Basic page. This causes a table rendering issue when some performances have logos and others do not. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A table column cell is now rendered whether or not a an image has been configured in the Venue Configuration application Performances|Basic page's 'Logo 1' field. All table rows have a consistent number of columns.
When accessing AVTiki using Chrome, a JScript error occurs.
If third party cookies are not accepted (a common configuration for internet users) then a server error is being displayed instead of requesting that cookies be enabled.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The server error no longer displays, and a proper no-cookie error message is being displayed.
Change AVTiki to render the reservation timeout value on a dynamic basis, and remove the hardcoded 1 from the seatSelect.asp and default.asp pages. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The reservation timeout value is rendered dynamically. The hardcoded 1 has been removed from the default.asp and seatSelect.asp pages, and the default value of the Registry application Registry::Application::Tiki::Messages node 'reservation timeout interval' field is 1 hour(s).
Like gates can be bypassed.
When users arrive at a performance via a search, they can purchase tickets without having Liked the AVTiki page.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Users cannot purchase tickets without Liking the page.
It is recommeneded that you do not put links to the default.asp page in the 'Default Header' of the primary article. It just links you to the page you are on anyway.
Change AVTiki to display the venue 'Name' when the venue 'Description' is blank instead of the 'Performance Code'. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
AVTiki now displays the venue 'Name' when the venue 'Description' is blank instead of the 'Performance Code'.
When users first visit the AVTiki page, the Permission Authorization loads the same pop-up window twice. Users are then prompted to log in. Once the permissions have been authorized, the window does not close. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The permission authorization is only being submitted once. The Permission Authorization pop-up only appears once.
Even when a user is logged into an existing account, the 'Cardholder Name' and 'Bank Account Name' on the orderContacts.asp page are not being auto filled. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The cardholder name and bank account name on the orderContacts.asp page is being pulled from the customer account instead of the order.
The 'Price Zone' is not displaying on the AVTiki's seatselect.asp page.
When logging onto the AVTiki via Facebook, you can choose your seat quantity for 'Price Type'; however, the Price Zone section does not display correctly. You are unable to continue with purchase or reservation.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
You can select the 'Price Zone' and continue with the purchase/reservation.
Missing branding images.
A number of images referenced in the .CSS file for AVTiki are missing.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The the header.jpg file in the UI/FB/branding folder has been updated, and the following images have been added in the new UI/FB/branding/images folder:
  • header_background.png
  • logo_avtiki.png
  • logo_audienceview.png
  • order_info_border.png
  • order_info_background.png
The AVTiki is referencing the default 'Page Header' article set on the Content Management application Sites|Basic page instead of the brand specific article set in the 'Header' field on the Site|Branding page. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The article set in the 'Header' field on the Content Management application Site|Branding page overrides the value set in the 'Page Header' field on the Sites|Basic page.
When a user tries to access a sent reservation, and there are zero tickets available on the reservation, a 500 error is displayed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 500 error no longer displays.
All alert pop-ups cause the screen to grey out, preventing customers from completing order. This affects both AVTiki.
On the final step of the order creation, the entire page is greyed out and none of the buttons on the page can be clicked; therefore, the reservation codes cannot be sent to friends.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
closeButton text has been added to AVTiki, allowing customers to close the pop-ups and continue through the order/reservation process.
If Google Analytics is enabled on the Content Management application Site|Applications page, a 500 error occurs when customers are completing an order. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The 500 error no longer occurs on the viewOrders.asp page, and order can be completed successfully.
The delivery method gets reset when changes are made to the payment method.
If AVTiki customers select 'Payment Method' after they have selected a 'Delivery Method', the 'Delivery Method' is reset to the default value.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Changing the 'Payment Method' does not reset the 'Delivery Method'.
The 'Delivery Method Charges' are not reflected in the 'Order Total'. When there are two delivery methods, one with a charge and the other without, and the user switches between the two available delivery methods, the grand total does not automatically update. The charge and fee display when a payment method is selected. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The page now refreshes page when the user switches between delivery methods, and the applicable charges are calculated and displayed correctly.
Users cannot send reservation codes to friends because the codes being sent were more than the 60 characters limit that Facebook allows. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
AVTiki's reservation codes now include less than 60 characters.
When apostrophes are used in a 'Performance Description' a JScript errors on the seatSelect.asp and orderContact.asp pages. This also breaks the FacePile widget. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Apostrophes can be used in a 'Performance Description' without causeing hte JScript error.
The .CSS files uploaded via the Content Management application Sites|Branding page are not being rendered in the AVTiki UI. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The .CSS files uploaded via the Content Management application Sites|Branding page are being applied to the AVTiki UI
The incorrect admission count is displayed during the redemption process. If a customer has saved five seats for friends, and a friend redeems three of the seats, 'Seats for you - 5' (on the orderContact.asp page) and '5 Admissions' (on the shoppingCart.asp page) will still be displayed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The correct admission counts are being displayed. If a customer has saved five seats for friends, and a friend redeems three of the seats, 'Seats for you - 3' (on the orderContact.asp page) and '3 Admissions' (on the shoppingCart.asp page) will be displayed.
You cannot accept reservations using Facebook's mobile application.
When Facebook's mobile application is used to accept an AVTiki reservation, a tampering error appears.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The tampering error does not display when accepting an AVTiki reservation through Facebook's mobile application.
The AVTiki interface still uses the global.asa for Facebook application data (i.e. Facebook app ID, page ID and application secret). This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The AVTiki Facebook application data (i.e. Facebook app ID, page ID and application secret) is now configured
AVTiki does not properly set the 'Payment Return URL' for 3DSecure. The Return URL is referencing a missing Registry Node (AVTiki::TermURL), so the URL is always blank. Payments are sent for processing, but they are not return to the main site. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
AVTiki is now referencing the Content Managemtnt application Sites|Basic page's 'Payment Return URL' field, and processed payments are being returned to the main site.

WebAPI Fixes

Issue Solution ID
Empty strings are returned as an empty array in JSON. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
An empty multi now return as an empty string. The following syntax should be used:
  • Non-multi, has a value: NAME:"VALUE"
  • Non-multi, null/empty: NAME:" "
  • Multi, null/empty: NAME:[ ]
  • Multi, single value: NAME:["VALUE"]
  • Multi, multiple values: NAME:["VALUE_1", "VALUE_2"]
An invalid BO handle will fall through to the default/unknown exception response (WebAPI result code 6). This deserves a dedicated result code and message. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Status code 33 has been added to identify a business object that does not have a handle in the cache.
The error JSON response is inconsistent between the Java and ASP versions of the WebAPI. For example, the Java version outputs Error level whereas the ASP version outputs error. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The error JSON response is now consistent between the Java and ASP versions of the WebAPI.
In the ASP WebAPI, it is possible to GET the primitive value, but not its DETAILS. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The node search method for DETAILS differed from that used for GET.
DETAILS has been updated to utilize TSbusinessNode::findInTree(context) so that it is consistent with the other WebAPI GET and SET implementations.
The WARNING parameter does not suppress messages in ASP. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The WARNING parameter has been renamed ACCEPTWARNING, and messages are being surpressed as expected.
The COM implementation is corrupting the api.asp result because the BSTR constructed and passed to the ASP is relying on a temporary variable that is freed mid-stream. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The BSTR construction and handover to ASP has been corrected.
The article 'Page Size' overrides the user entered 'Page Size', and the TScontentBO pagination overrides the user entered 'Page Size' by always resetting to the Registry default when a search is executed. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
If a 'Page Size' has been defined in a WebAPI call, it will override tghe 'Page Size' setting in the article/Registry.
Site should be optional. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Site is no longer required when initializing the site.
If branding has not been loaded then TScontentBO::search will not work and will throw branding related exceptions such as The site branding does not exist. TScontentBO::search should be able to run if branding is not loaded. The exception is thrown when TScontentBO::search tries to load the default search article. This problem prevents the WebAPI from running TScontentBO::search since WebAPI does not initialize branding. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
If no branding has been specified, use the default branding will be used/loaded.
When requesting WebAPI/session?DETAILS=Printers, an error occurs even though Printers is a valid node. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The auditHistory parameter value has been added to toXML and toJSON node method invocations. It is now possible to request WebAPI/session?DETAILS=Printers.
The ticket stock values in the stock list cannot contain any spaces in either the 'Key' or 'Entries' fields. This will be corrected in a future release (AVD-1108).
The work message is in an inconsistent location between the Java and ASP versions. In ASP, the work message is under the data object; however, in Java, the message is not under the data object. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The JSON WebAPI response incorrectly assumed that a data element always followed the result. It is now conditional.
Exception details are not being returned. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The exception details are now being returned.
In api.asp page, the exception object is being printed rather than the object properties. For example: <message>WepAPI call ended due to uncaught exception:[object Error]</message>.
Instead of displaying exception e, should be exception e.ErrorNumber + e.Description. This occurs in multipul try/catch blocks in api.asp.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The correct error object is being displayed.
The WebAPI has a hard-coded return data limit. If limit is reached, return message is Response was too large. Request Failed. Request a smaller collection of data. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The hard-coded limit has been removed and is now determined by the IIS/Tomcat configuration to restrict the response size.
When using the WebAPI to call a business object work method that returns an action message, the JSON response returned is invalid. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A missing comma (,) has been added, delimiting the result and message JSON objects.
Large WebAPI results are being corrupted. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Large WebAPI results are no longer being corrupted.
Search parameters are not working in the WebAPI. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
Search parameters are now working correctly.
The WebAPI's dataloader.asp is not creating dataloader jobs and a 'filesNode' is null or not an object error is returned. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The dataloader.asp was referencing some nodes that no longer exist. It is now referencing the appropriate nodes.
The WebAPI is consuming large amounts of memory. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
A memory leak in the TSorderBO doWork addPayment action has been fixed and the WebAPI is no longer consuming large amounts of memory.
The pageBuilder.asp should be removed from the UI/WebAPI folder. This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The pageBuilder.asp has been removed from the UI/WebAPI folder.
The WebAPI calls the WebSales user. To get the WebAPI to work the WebSales user and site need to be configured and working.
The WebAPI should be completely seperated from the AudienceView Online.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The WebAPI does not attempt to initialize a site for an already authenticated session; however, it does allow for site initialization if the session is not authenticated.

Other Changes

Issue Solution ID
Remove the customer merge utility. This has been occured in AudienceView 6.8.1.
The functionality available in the Utilities application Customer Merge section has been removed/hidden. The funtionality will be reviewed so that it can be improved upon.