AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

AudienceView 6.8.17 HotFix 1 Release Notes

The following table outlines the changes made in AudienceView 6.8.17 HotFix 1:
IMPROVEMENT Enable Tender Retail Address Verification System (AVS) functionality.
When AVS is on in Tender Retail, it is controlled at the processor level - in Moneris, Chase Payment Tech or Global Payments - not in Tender Retail.
To turn off AVS for Tender Retail in AudienceView, you need to stop the system from sending the addresses. This can be configured system-wide, for a group or for one payment at a time in the AudienceView Desktop.
To turn off Tender Retail AVS system-wide, complete the following:
  1. Navigate to the Registry::Business Objects::TSpaymentMethodBO::Payment Type::Credit Card node.
  2. Select Ignore AVS from the 'Options' field.
  3. Click 'Apply'.
  4. Repeat the process for the Debit Card node.

To turn off Tender Retail AVS for a group or to turn it on per payment choice, complete the following:
  1. Load the group that you want to work with in Application Security.

  2. On the Group|Attributes page, select the TSpaymentMethodBO property .
  3. Click 'Add Rule'.
  4.  Select Credit Card: Options from the 'Attribute Name' field.
  5. Select Ignore AVS from the 'Options' field.
  6. Click 'Apply'.

To allow other staff groups to override the settings in the Desktop, also set the 'Readable' and 'Writeable' fields to Yes.
It is highly recommended that you do not select the Ignore CVV 'Option'.
FIXED Orders containing gift certificates are not allocating correctly when the orders are paid after they are printed. AVD-18300
FIXED Online - A 500 error occurs on the mapSelect.asp and seatSelect.asp pages. AVD-18818