AudienceView Connect

Searching for Customers Eligible for Offers

You can search for customers eligible for an offer using a Customer Offer Search query. This query is available from the Utilities application Customers|Query Select page. For more information, refer to Utilities Customers-Query Select Page.

To search for customers that meet an offer’s criteria, complete the following:

  1. Open the Utilities application from the AudienceView Desktop.
    The Customers|Query Select page appears.
  2. Click the Customer Offer Search query.
    The customer offer search criteria appears.
  3. Optionally, specify the criteria the customer must meet in order to receive this offer.
    You can do this using the Customer Query section of the Utilities application Customers|Query Select page.
    For more information, refer to Customer Offer Search Criteria.
  4. Click 'Search'.
    The results of this query appear in the Select Customers section of the Utilities application Customers|Query Select page.
    For more information, refer to Select Customers Section.
    You can now perform either of the following:
    • Refine your search results using the Customer Query section. To do this, repeat Step 3 and Step 4.
    • From the Select Customers section, select the customers that will receive the offer.
      For more information, refer to Selecting Customers Eligible for Offers.