| Warning Setting the default date and time formats within the Registry application Registry::Primitives::TSdateTime node can cause potential problems. It is recommended that date and time format changes should be made on the appropirate BOs/COs. For example, to change the date and time formats for the Online default.asp and seat/map select pages navigate to the following Registry nodes:
- Registry::EN::Business Objects::TScontentBO::Search Results::Start Date node 'Format' field.
- Registry::EN::Business Objects::TScontentBO::Search Results::End Date node 'Format' field.
- Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSmapBO::Performances::Start Date node 'Format' field.
For more information, refer to Date and Time Format Settings.
To define the default date format, complete the following:
- Navigate to the Registry application Registry::EN::Primitives::TSdateTime node.
- Modify the applicable settings:
For more information, refer to the TSdateTime Setting Chart below.
- Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
- Click 'OK'.
- Continue to Changing Windows Date and Time Settings to configure the Windows date and time formats on the application server.
The following table describes the date and time formats that can be used within the Registry application Registry::Primitives::TSdateTime node.
Key |
Description |
dateFormat |
Defines how to display dates (without time). The default format is %Y-%m-%d (that is YYYY-MM-DD). Typical settings are:
- %Y-%m-%d (YYYY-MM-DD)
- %d/%m/%Y (DD/MM/YYYY)
- %#d/%m/%Y (D/MM/YYYY)
- %m/%d/%Y (MM/DD/YYYY)
- %#m/%#d/%Y (M/D/YYYY)
For a full reference of date format codes, refer to Date Format Codes. It is recommended that you only use numeric formats for displaying dates and avoid using abbreviations or full names of the day or month.
dateTimeFormat |
Defines how to display dates (with time). The default format is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (that is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
Typical time settings are:
- %H:&M::%S (HH:MM:SS)
- %#H:%M:%S (H:MM:SS)
- %I:%M:%S (HH:MM:SS, 12 hour clock)
- %#I:%M:%S (H:MM:SS, 12 hour clock)
For a full reference of date format codes, refer to Date Format Codes.
The time setting must include the hour, minute, and seconds and the date format should be the same as your dateFormat setting. It is recommended that you only use numeric formats for displaying dates and times, and avoid using abbreviations or full names of the day or month.
Label |
The label for this primitive. Do not change this value. |
timeFormat |
Defines how to display the time. The default format is %H:%M:%S (that is HH:MM:SS).
The time setting must include the hour, minute, and seconds and should be the same as the time format specified for dateTimeFormat. |