AudienceView Connect

Miscellaneous Item Image Guidelines

Miscellaneous items allow you to promote and sell merchandise, memberships, passes and any other non-event related items. There is no limit on the number of items that can be listed.

Multiple images can be used when promoting miscellaneous items. Each item can include:

The images can be changed at any time. The 'Name', 'Short Description' and 'URL' associated with each miscellaneous item are configured using the Product Configuration application Miscellaneous Items|Details page. For more information, refer to Product Configuration Miscellaneous Items.

The following image illustrates how the thumbnail image and small images appear on the miscItemDetail.asp page:

The small image changes as the user hovers over each thumbnail image.

The large image displays when the user clicks on the small image.

For information regarding the configurable labels available, refer to miscItemDetail.asp.