AudienceView Connect

Creating a Scheduled Report

A scheduled report is a saved report that avscheduler runs automatically, on a regular basis.

To schedule saved reports run on a regular basis, perform the following:

  1. Open the Business Intelligence and Reports application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Saved Reports tab.
    The Saved Reports|Reports page appears.
  3. Search for and select the saved report that you want to schedule. For more information, refer to Business Intelligence and Reports Saved Reports-Reports Page and Performing Searches.
    The Saved Reports|Parameters page appears.
  4. In the Scheduled Saved Report section, enter the criteria the avscheduler command uses when running this report.

If you specify a value for the Scheduled Report Day of Week and a value other than Use Day of Week for the Scheduled Report Day of Month, the report only runs in those months where the particular Scheduled Report Day of Week falls on the specified Scheduled Report Day of Month. For example, If you specify the day of the week as Wednesday, for the Scheduled Report Day of Week, and the day of the month as the 15th, for the Scheduled Report Day of Month, the report is only run during those months where the 15th of the month falls on a Wednesday.

The criteria include the following:

Field Description
Scheduled Report From Date Schedules the running of this report on or after this date.
Scheduled Report To Date Schedules the running of this report on or before this date. After this date, the report no longer runs regularly.
Scheduled Report Day of Week The days of the week the report is run.
Scheduled Report Day of Month Specifies the day of the month the report is run.
Format The report output format. This must be one of:
  • Text or HTML
  • CSV
  • Formatted or AV Document
Printer The printer avscheduler uses when printing the report.
Address The email address avscheduler sends the corresponding report to.
Email Subject The subject line of report’s email.
Email Message The body text of the report’s email.
Target Enables you to select how the report will be displayed/saved:
  • Download: Enables you to save the report to your local computer or network.
    The location where the report will be saved is defined in the AVSchedulerSVC.exe.config file using the 'saveLocation' key value.
    For more information, refer to Editing the AVSchedulerSVC.exe.config File.
  • Email: Enables you to email the report to a recipient.
  • Print: Enables you to print the report from the selected printer.
  • Screen: This output is not used when scheduling reports, even though it is available. Do not select this option.