AudienceView Connect

Deleting Column Keys

Deleting column keys is not compliant with PCI-DSS standards.

The following steps describe how to remove (delete) column keys and therefore encryption for a specific column:

  1. Once you have connected to your database (as outlined in Key Ring Tab), stop IIS.
  2. Select the Key Ring tab.
  3. Click 'Current Column Keys: Blank'.
    A pop-up window will display:
  4. Enter and verify the 'Current Column' fields with what is currently entered for Column Keys 1.
  5. Click 'OK'.
    A second pop-up window will display:
  6. Enter and verify the 'Current Column' fields with what is currently entered for Column Keys 2.
  7. Click 'OK'.
  8. Select the column to encrypt with the new column key from the 'Column Name' dropdown list.
  9. Click 'Remove Key'.