Once encryption master keys have been generated, it is necessary to initialize the application with the master keys before using the application. If the application master keys are not passed to initializeSecure() in the global.asa, it is necessary to provide them by another means.
If the application has not been initialized, attempting to log in results in the display of the following page:

The following steps describe an alternative method to initialize the application:
To enter the master keys, browse to /Desktop/enterKeys.asp.
The following page will appear:

Enter the system master keys in the 'Key 1' and 'Key 2' fields provided:

Click 'Submit Keys'.
If the keys are correct, and the application can connect to the database, the following page is presented:

If you do not see this page, there could be a number of causes which could include:
incorrect keys entered
a problem connecting to the database
a problem with the data definition
To determine the cause, complete the following:
check the database connection string
make sure the database name, server name and password are correct
re-encrypt it with the master keys and compare it to the value in the global.asa (or the values that were entered).
If the values match, the problem may be with another area of the application.
Should initialization fail, one of the following exceptions will be thrown:
If the decrypting process fails, the Registry is unavailable and so no message lookup or language translation is available.
After successful initialization the system is available for use.