AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

AudienceView Installation Guide

The folder structure and naming conventions used are recommended best practices. If you choose not to follow this structure, it is recommended that you do not use spaces in the naming convention.

Once a version has been released using the Release Packaging Automation process follow the following process to deploy a client.

Pre-Deployment Preparation

  1. Connect to the client following the steps in the VPN Access portion of the PA-DSS Implementation Guide.
  2. Download the latest version of the installation software from http://electron/ while connected to the local office network.
  3. Transfer the downloaded .ZIP file to the App server using the steps in the AudienceView Software Distribution portion of the PA-DSS Implementation Guide.
  4. Login to AVConnect using the credentials provided by your account manager.
  5. Browse to the Documents section and download the release notes for the version of AudienceView that you are installing.
  6. Using File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) as recommended by the AudienceView Software Distribution portion of the PA-DSS Implementation Guide compute the MD5 hash of the .ZIP installation software.
    1. Run the Cmd prompt as Administrator.
    2. Change the directory to the FCIV folder.
    3. Run fciv.exe C:\AudienceView\Build\, where x_x_x is the AudienceView version number.
    4. MD5 hash will appear in the cmd prompt.
  7. Ensure the MD5 hash computed in Step 6 matches the MD5 hash contained in the release notes obtained in Step 5.

Creating the Folder Structure

To create the necessary folder structure, complete the following:

  1. Create a new C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x folder.
  2. Extract the audienceview file into the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x folder.
  3. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Libs folder.
  4. Right-click on the registerlibs.bat file.
  5. Select Run as administrator.
  6. Right-click on the regcaptcha.bat file.
  7. Select Run as administrator.
  8. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Libs\AVS Gateways folder.
  9. Right-click on the CopyDLLs.cmd file.
  10. Select Run as administrator.
  11. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Libs\Payment Gateways folder.
  12. Right-click on the CopyDLLs.cmd folder.
  13. Select Run as administrator.
  14. Create a new C:\AudienceView\Client_Name folder, where Client_Name is the name of the customer being deployed.
  15. Copy the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\UI folder into the C:\AudienceView\Client_Name folder.
  16. Rename the C:\AudienceView\Client_Name\UI folder to C:\AudienceView\Client_Name\ProdDesktop.

Create the Database

To create the database, complete the following:

  1. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Setup folder.
  2. Right-click on the Installer.xml.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Replace (local) with the IP Address of the DB Server. This will be provided by the network administrator.
  5. Replace Tix with ClientNameProd, where the ClientName portion is the name of the customer being deployed.
  6. Save and close the Installer.xml file.
  7. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Setup\Database folder.
  8. Right-click on the create_database.sql file.
  9. Select Edit.
  10. Replace all of the instances of Tix with ClientNameProd, where the ClientName portion is the name of the customer being deployed.
  11. Save and close create_database.sql file.
  12. Run the Cmd prompt as Administrator.
  13. Change the directory to C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Setup
  14. Run setup.bat -u [servicedel:avuser] -p [servicedel:avpass] -du [servicedel:dbuser] -dp [servicedel:dbpass]
    1. Fill in the following values:
      • set avuser= root
      • set avpass= root
      • set dbuser= The database user name is provided by your sql administrator
      • set dbpass= The database user password is provided by your sql administrator
        The avuser and avpass will be changed from root after the installation has been completed.
  15. Confirm dbuser has the proper permissions.
    For more information, refer to SQL Server Configuration in the PA-DSS Implementation Guide (PCI-DSS Version 2.0).

Configuring the global.asa File

To configure the global.asa file, complete the following:

  1. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Libs folder.
  2. Right-click on the EncryptGUI.exe file.
  3. Select Run as Administrator.
  4. Enter your connection string into the white text box.
    Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=[servicedel:dbuser];Password=[servicedel:dbpass];Initial Catalog=[servicedel:ClientNameProd];Data Source=[servicedel:Source]
    • [servicedel:dbuser] is the database user name provided by hosting.
    • [servicedel:dbpass] is the database password provided by hosting.
    • [servicedel:ClientNameProd] is the value entered in the Installer.xml file.
    • [servicedel:Source] is the IP address of the server where the database is located and entered in the Installer.xml file.
  5. Click 'Encrypt'.
  6. Copy the encrypted connection string found in the grey text box.
  7. Close the EncryptGUI.exe file.
  8. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\ClientName\ProdDesktop folder.
  9. Right-click on the global.asa file.
  10. Select Edit.
  11. Replace the current connection string found on line 29 with the one copied in Step 6.

    tsApp.setConnectString("REPLACE THIS PORTION")
  12. Goto lines 137/138 and enter the correct mailhost that was provided by hosting

    sumoSession.setMailHost( "REPLACE THIS PORTION" );
    sumoSession.setMarketingMailHost( "REPLACE THIS PORTION" );
  13. Save and close the global.asa file.

IIS (Internet Information Services) Configuration

To configure IIS (Internet Information Services), complete the following:

  1. Open IIS.
  2. Right-click on Sites.
  3. Select Add Web Site….
  4. Fill in the following information:
    • Site name: ClientNameProdDesktop
    • Physical path: C:\AudienceView\Client_Name\ProdDesktop
    • Port: 8080 (for production), 8070 (for staging) or 80 (for AudienceView Online)
  5. Click 'OK'.

AudienceView Configuration

To set the default currency and reset the avuser password, complete the following:

  1. Open a supported Internet browser.
  2. Browse to https://localhost:8080/
  3. Select AudienceView Desktop
  4. Login using root and root in the 'Username' and 'Password' field respectively.
  5. Select Box Office from the 'User Role' dropdown.
  6. Click 'Apply'.
  7. Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  8. Navigate to the System::Configuration::Currencies node.
  9. Enter the name of your default currency (e.g. CDN) in the 'Label' field next to the default currency key.
  10. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
  11. Click 'OK'.
  12. Close the window.
  13. Open the Application Security application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  14. Search for and select the root user. For more information, refer to Application Security Users-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The User|Basic page appears.
  15. In the 'Password' field, enter the new login password for the avuser.
  16. In the 'Confirm Password' field, re-enter the new login password the avuser.
  17. Click 'Change Password'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the password.
  18. Click 'OK'.
  19. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the user.
  20. Click 'OK'.

Basic AudienceView Online Configuration

To set the default currency and reset the avuser password, complete the following:

  1. Open a supported Internet browser.
  2. Browse to https://localhost:8080/
  3. Select AudienceView Desktop
  4. Login using the avuser and avpass defined in the AudienceView Configuration section above.
  5. Select Box Office from the 'User Role' dropdown.
  6. Click 'Apply'.
  7. Open the Application Security application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  8. Search for and select the WebSales user. For more information, refer to Application Security Users-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The User|Basic page appears.
  9. Change the name in the 'User Name' field to something appropriate for your organization.
  10. Ensure that the 'End Date' field is blank.
  11. In the 'Password' field, enter the new login password for the avuser.
  12. In the 'Confirm Password' field, re-enter the new login password the avuser.
  13. Select Normal from the 'Expiry Rule' dropdown.
    Selecting Does Not Expire from the 'Expiry Rule' dropdown is not compliant with PCI-DSS standards.
  14. Click 'Change Password'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the password.
  15. Click 'OK'.
  16. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the applicaiton updated the user.
  17. Click 'OK'.
  18. Select the Group tab.
    The Group|Search pages appears.
  19. Search for and select the WebSales group.
    For more information, refer to Application Security Group-Search Page and Performing Searches.
  20. Add the Content and Permissions that are appropriate for your organization.
    For more information, refer to Enabling Online Content in Application Security and Configuring Group Permissions, Attributes and Content.
  21. Search for and select the Anonymous WebSales group.
    For more information, refer to Application Security Group-Search Page and Performing Searches.
  22. Add the Content and Permissions that are appropriate for your organization. For more information, refer to Enabling Online Content in Application Security and Configuring Group Permissions, Attributes and Content.
  23. Open the Content Management application from AudienceView Desktop.
  24. Select the Sites tab.
    The Sites|Search page appears.
  25. Search for and select the site that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Content Management Sites-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Sites|Basic page appears.
  26. Click 'Confirm Website User Password'.
    The Set Password dialog box appears.
  27. Enter the password you used in Steps 11 and 12 in the 'New Password' field.
  28. Re-enter the password in the 'Re-type New Password' field.
  29. Click 'Apply'.
    The Set Password dialog box closes.
  30. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the site.
  31. Click 'OK'.


To remove unnecessary file, complete the following:

  1. Close all of the files and software remain open.
  2. Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x folder.
  3. Delete the entire Setup folder.
  4. Open the Recycling Bin.
  5. Select Empty the Recycling Bin.
    A window prompts you to confirm the permanent deletion of the items contained in the recycling bin.
  6. Click 'Yes'.
  7. Encrypt the database.
    For more information, refer to Encryption Tool.