AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Application Configuration Guide

The Application Configuration Guide provides information on how to configure and manage venues, performances, legends, various products and fundraising programs using the AudienceView Desktop.

For an outline of the Application Configuration Guide's content, refer to the Application Configuration Content Map.

The Configuration Workflows section outlines the steps that need to be taken to configure events, funds management and performances.

The Venue Configuration application is used to create and maintain venues, series, performances, seats and price charts.
For an outline of the Venue Configuration's content, refer to the Venue Configuration Content Map.
The Product Configuration application is used to create and maintain all sellable items (i.e. bundles, miscellaneous items, stored value items), other items of monetary worth (i.e. charges) and customer appreciation/promotional items (i.e. offers via promotional codes and benefits).
For an outline of the Product Configuration's content, refer to the Product Configuration Content Map.
The Legends application is used to create and maintain the colour-coded representations of your seat map (i.e. price zones and fill zones, hold types and price types) for all aspects of AudienceView.
For an outline of the Legends' content, refer to the Legends Content Map.
The General Configuration application is used to create and maintain general items that can used during day-to-day business (payment methods, ticket templates, delivery methods, passes, memberships, producers, lists, questions, reports, XSL templates and account linkage types).
For an outline of the General Configuration's content, refer to the General Configuration Content Map.
The Funds Management application is used to create, track and maintain fundraising programs, funds, gifts. Once created, you can manage gifts and sponsor data, track prospects, evaluate campaign success and automatically process gift acknowledgements and tax receipts (tax receipts and thank you letters.)
For an outline of the Funds Management's content, refer to the Funds Management Content Map.

Information regarding the AudienceView Online and Mobile configuration workflow can be found in the Online and Mobile Configuration Guide.