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AudienceView Documentation


You can customize the field labels and buttons within the giftCertificatesDetails.asp page, using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Navigation Gift Certificates Gift Certificates/Cards
Application::Online::Certificates Choose Card/Certificate Message You must choose a card or certificate before adding to your cart.
Application::Online::Certificates Enter Card/Certificate Amount Please enter a gift card or certificate amount before adding to your cart.
Application::Online::Certificates Choose Gift Card To Continue You must choose a card or certificate to continue.
Application::Online::Certificates Reload Reload
Application::Online::Certificates Gift Card Inquiry Check Your Card Balance
Application::Online::Certificates Purchase Gift Card Purchase a Gift Card
Application::Online::Certificates Amount Label Please enter an amount for this gift certificate:
Application::Online::Certificates Options Options
Application::Online::Certificates Recipient Info Personalize your gift with the recipient's name:
Application::Online::Certificates Message Info Add a personal message to be printed on your Gift Certificate or Card:
Appication ButtonOrder Add to Order
Application::Online::Certificates Select Card Select your card to get started.
Application::Online::Navigation Continue Continue
Application::Online::Messages No Gift Certificates Gift Certificates are not currently available.

The following .INC file labels also appear on this page: