AudienceView Mobile makes use of CSS gradients that are currently not standardized across mobile or desktop browsers/browser versions. CSS gradient tools can be found online (e.g.
Some of the selectors, outlined and described in the sections below, may also appear where standard CSS properties are defined (e.g. border, font-size, colour):
- CSS Gradients - Input Buttons: Describes the standard grey CSS gradient used for the majority of the input buttons and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - Headers, Menus and 'Search'/'Help' Buttons: Describes the CSS gradient used for the top header, bottom menu and the 'Search' and 'Help'buttons and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - shoppingCart.asp and Promotional Code Indicator: Describes the CSS gradient used for the shopping cart and the promotional code indicator located on the bottom menu, and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - Search Box and shoppingCart.asp Performance Totals: Describes the CSS gradient used for the shopping cart and the performance totals, and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - Pagination Buttons and Availability Legend Header: Describes the CSS gradient used for the pagination buttons and the availability legend header, and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - Table Headers and Title Blocks: Describes the CSS gradient used for the table headers and the venue map header block, and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - Search Results: Describes the CSS gradient used for the search results, and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - Search Results Table: Describes the CSS gradient used for the search results table containing the promotional code indicator and 'Short Description', and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - My Account Menu Items: Describes the CSS gradient used for the My Account menu items, and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.
- CSS Gradients - Red Attention Box: Describes the CSS gradient used for the red Attention box, and where in the AudienceView Mobile - branding-styles.css it can be customized.