AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation


You can customize the field labels and buttons within the ticketForwardDetails.asp page, using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Success Title Attention
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Detail Title Reprint Tickets Detail
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Navigation okButton OK
Application::Online::Ticket Forwarding Error Header Error
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Error No Admissions Selected No admissions were selected to be reprinted.
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Navigation Back Back
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Detail Confirm Header Please confirm
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Detail Header Please enter the following information to send your tickets
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Detail Instructions You are reprinting the following tickets:
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Form Label Email Address Email Address
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Form Label Confirm Email Address Confirm Email Address
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Form Label Note Note
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Detail Note This note will appear in the email that contains your tickets.
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Navigation Continue Continue
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Ticket Forwarding Reissue button Reprint Tickets
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Navigation cancelButton Cancel
Application::Mobile::Ticket Forwarding Forward Ticket Forward Ticket

The following .INC file labels also appear on this page: