AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation


The viewOrder.asp page displays a summary of the customer's order.

The application will prevent the customer from downloading tickets multiple times. The error message displayed to customers is defined in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Online::Orders node 'Downloaded' field.

You can customize the field labels and buttons within the viewOrder.asp page, using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Statement Title Your Order Statement
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Orders Created Order Created
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Messages Invalid View Order Access You have been automatically redirected because you have attempted to access a page that requires you to be logged in or have a valid order ID.
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Downloaded Your tickets have already been downloaded. If you did not receive them, please contact the box office.
Application::Online::Orders Order Summary Order Summary
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Download Tickets Download Your Tickets
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Download Tickets Label You can download the tickets only one time. Please save or print the tickets immediately after downloading them.
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Download Tickets Button Download Tickets
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Confirmation Message Your confirmation number is
Application::Online::Orders Print Page To view or print a copy of your invoice/confirmation, click here:
Application::Online::Orders Printer Friendly View Printer-Friendly invoice
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Navigation End Session End My Session
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Navigation New Order New Order
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Section Label Section
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Row Label Row
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Seat Label Seat
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Price Type Label Price Type
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Total Label Total
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Performance Rollup Performance Total Amount Performance Total Amount
Application::Online::Shopping Cart Base Total Base Total

The section at the bottom of the viewOrder.asp will vary depending on what the customer has purchased on the order.

Payments and refunds appear as:

  • When a payment is refunded or partial refunded, the negative value of the refund appears with the word Refund next to it.
  • When a payment is cancelled, the positive value of the cancellation appears with the text Chargeback next to it.
  • When a payment is voided, the positive value of the void appears with the text Sale Voided next to it.
  • When a refund is voided, a 0 appears as the value with the text Refund Voided next to it.


If customers have purchased admission tickets, the Tickets section displays using the file.
You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Navigation Admissions Tickets
Application::Mobile::Seats HideSeats Hide Seats on Order
Application::Mobile::Seats ShowSeats Show Seats on Order
Application::Online::Seats More Information More Information
Application::Online [or Mobile] URL Popup Title More Information
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Show Seats Show Seats
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Section Label Section
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Row Label Row
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Seat Label Seat
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Admissions::Price Type Label Price Type


Customers billing information is displayed using the file.
You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Orders Bill To Payment Information
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Terms And Conditions Payment Method Terms And Conditions
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Ship To Customer Information
Application::Online::Orders Shipping Information Shipping Information
Application::Online::Orders Ship via Ship via
Application::Online [or Mobile]::Orders Purchase Summary Purchase Summary
Application::Online::Orders Reservation Summary Reservation Summary
Application::Customer::Order SchedulePayments Scheduled Payments


If customers have purchased bundles tickets, the Bundles section displays using the file.
You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Shopping Cart Bundles Bundles
Application::Online::Navigation each each
Application::Online::Navigation Admissions Tickets
Application::Online::Bundles Performance Performance
Application::Online URL Popup Title More Information
Application::Online::Items Uncategorized Items Additional Items
Application::Online::Navigation Gift Gifts
Application::Online::Bundles Bundle Requests Bundle Requests


If customers have made a donation, the Donations section displays using the file.
You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Navigation Gift Donations
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Donations::Appeal Label Appeal
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Funds::Fund Name Label Fund Name
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Donations::Pledge Amount Label Pledge Amount

Gift Certificates

If customers have purchased gift certificates, the Gift Certificates/Cards section displays using the file.
You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Navigation Gift Certificates Gift Certificates/Cards
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Gift Certificates::Type Label Type
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Gift Certificates::Recipient Name Label Recipient Name
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Gift Certificates::Printed Message Label Printed Message
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Gift Certificates::Amount Label Amount

Miscellaneous Items

If customers have purchased miscellaneous items, the Miscellaneous Items section displays using the file.
You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Items Uncategorized Items Additional Items


If a request has been created for a customer, the Requests section displays using the file. If the request is filled, the tickets will display under the Tickets section.
You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Seats Requests Seat Results
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Performance Requests::Number Label Number
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Performance Requests::Performance Label Performance
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Performance Requests::Price Type ID Label Price Type ID
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Performance Requests::Price Zone Label Price Zone
Business Objects::TSorderBO::Performance Requests::Grand Total Label Grand Total

3D Secure

3-D Secure ties the financial authorization process with an online authentication. This authentication is based on a three domain model. The three domains are:

  • Acquirer Domain (the merchant and the bank to which money is being paid).
  • Issuer Domain (the bank that issued the card being used).
  • Interoperability Domain (the infrastructure provided by the credit card scheme to support the 3-D Secure protocol).

When a payment is processed it is done using the file.

You can customize the field labels and buttons using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online [or Mobile]::3D Secure Page Title Authentication Body
Application::Online [or Mobile]::3D Secure Processing Header Processing your 3-D Secure Transaction
Application::Online [or Mobile]::3D Secure No JavaScript JavaScript is currently disabled or is not supported by your browser.
Application::Online [or Mobile]::3D Secure Continue Instructions Click Submit to continue processing your 3-D Secure transaction.

Other .INC File Labels

The following .INC file labels also appear on this page: