To use Google Analytics to track open emails, complete the following:
- If you have not already done so, set up a Google Analytics account at Google Analytics.
- Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Navigate to the Registry::EN::Application::Online::Analytics::Email Tracking node.
- Complete the following fields:
- Campaign: Enter the name of the email marketing campaign (e.g. Fall 2011 Newletter)
- Content: Enter a brief description of the content of the email (e.g. 20%-off Fall 2011 Events)
- Medium: Enter the medium used to communicate with customers. In most cases this will be Email.
- Source: Enter the name of the company/list used to send the email to customers. This is particularly important if your organization also uses an outside email marketing company.
- Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that application updated the Registry.
- Click 'OK'.
When you insert a link into an email message in the Content Management application Messages|Build page (Building Links to Performances, Bundles, Articles and Miscellaneous Items in a Message) the Google Analytics tracking information will be embedded into the link as illustrated by the highlighted portion of source code of a performance link below:
Whenever the Google Analytics tracking information changes, you must update the Registry fields listed above. Alternatively, you can also update the information directly in the source of the link. |
You can add a fifth tracking option to the source code, utm_term=, which allows you to track emails using key words related to the link/advertisement (e.g. utm_term=weekend+matinee). The 'Term' field does not exist within the Registry. |