To configure upsell and add-on articles, complete the following:
- Create your upsell and add-on items, ensuring that you select the appropriate 'Sales Type'.
'Sales Type', 'Upsell Article' and 'Upsell Article' can be defined on the following items/pages:
- Build your upsell and add-on articles
- The following is the typical upsell article configuration:
- On the Articles|Basic page, select Body with Search from the 'Type' dropdown.
- On the Articles|Text page, insert the Search Results Widget - Align Horizontally and/or the Search Results Widget - Align Vertically search widgets into the body of the article.
- On the Articles|Criteria page:
- Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.
- Select Sales Type from the 'Field' dropdown.
- Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.
- Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.
- Select Upsell from the 'Values' field.
- Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.
- Select Object Type from the 'Field' dropdown.
- Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.
- Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.
- Select Bundles from the 'Values' field.
- The following is the typical add-on article configuration:
- On the Articles|Basic page, select Body with Search from the 'Type' dropdown.
- On the Articles|Criteria page:
- Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.
- Select Sales Type from the 'Field' dropdown.
- Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.
- Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.
- Select Add-On from the 'Values' field.
- Click 'Add Criteria'.
A new criteria row appears.
- Select Object Type from the 'Field' dropdown.
- Select Match Condition from the 'Type' dropdown.
- Select Equals from the 'Operator' dropdown.
- Select Miscellaneous Item from the 'Values' field.
- Enable the upsell article pop-up, enable the add-on article pop-up and/or enable upsell and add-on article pop-ups in the AudienceView Desktop for the applicable role(s).
- Ensure that all of the groups using upsell/add-on articles have the loadArticle property selected under the Application Security application Group|Permissions page's TScontentBO property.
For more information, refer to Configuring Group Permissions.
- If you are enabling upsell and add-on for AudienceView Desktop users, ensure that the Desktop groups have the tickets Availability property selected under the Application Security application Group|Content page's Customer Services property.
For more information, refer to Configuring Group Content.
- Add the upsell/add-on article(s) that you just created as 'Upsell Article' or 'Add-On Article' on the primary items (i.e. on the items that will trigger the upsell/add-on articles).
- Select the appropriate 'Sales Type' upsell and add-on items. This provides an easy way to filter in the article search results.
If you deep link to an upsell or add-on item within the article, you must include the target = _parent parameter in your link using the following syntax:
<a href="destination URL" target="_parent">label</a> |
For more information, refer to Inserting Direct Links to Performances, Bundles, Articles, Miscellaneous Items and Gifts in an Article.