AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Displaying Seat Maps in AudienceView Online

Seat maps enable you to provide a visual representation of your venue or performance’s seat layout. By default, a venue’s seat map is defined for all performances associated with the corresponding venue.

You can add seat maps to your AudienceView Online site as either static background images or as flash-enabled pick-a-seat images. Static background images merely provide an outline of your venue, while pick-a-seat images enable customers to select their seats directly. Regardless of the type of set map you are providing, you must associate this image with the corresponding venue or performance.

If you do not specify an image, the following occurs for:

  • Non flash-enabled performances, the seat map and the header, on the both the select seats and confirm seats pages do not render. Furthermore, the 'View Seats' button does not appear on the shopping cart page.
  • Pick-a-seat enabled performances, the pick-a-seat image appears, without the background image.

To enable customers to view your seat map online:

  1. If required, create a seatMapImages folder in the %AudienceView%\UI\ directory (e.g. C:AudienceView\UI\seatMapImages).
  2. Save your seat map image in .JPG format.
  3. Place your seat map image in the %AudienceView%\UI\seatMapImages directory.
  4. Associate this seat map image with the appropriate venue or performance. To do this, specify the name and location of the seat map image in either of the following:
  5. Optionally, enable the pick-a-seat functionality. 
    For more information, refer to Enabling Pick-a-Seat Sales in AudienceView Online.