AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Allowing Online Customers to Create Accounts for Others

To enable the 'Add a Friend' button on the friendlyDispatch.asp page, allowing AudienceView Online customers the ability to create an account on behalf of someone else, complete the following:

  1. Open the Application Security application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Users or Groups tab.
    The associated Search page appears.
    For more information, refer to:
  3. Select the Content tab.
    The associated Content page appears.
  4. Select the Online property.
  5. Select Add a Gift Recipient.
    If you do not hold CTRL while selecting Add a Gift Recipient all of the options that are currently selected will be deselected.
  6. Select the Attribute tab.
    The associated Attribute page appears.
  7. Select the TSaccountLinkageBO property.
  8. Click 'Add Rule'.
    A new rule appears.
  9. Select AccountLinkage: Linkage Type from the 'Attribute Name' dropdown.
  10. Select the a default value for the account linkage type from the 'Default Value' dropdown.
  11. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the user/group.
  12. Click 'OK'.