Field |
Description |
Series Name |
A link to the Series|Basic page for the series to which the performance belongs. |
Performance Code |
Enter unique name for the performance (e.g. May 8/03 Evening, YBR006).
If a value is not entered in the 'Short Description' field, the 'Performance Code' will be displayed to Online/Mobile customers. |
Description |
Enter a description of the performance.
This field is only displayed in the AudienceView Desktop. |
Short Desciption |
Enter a short description for the performance.
The 'Short Description' is displayed to Online/Mobile customers. If a value is not entered in this field, the 'Performance Code' will be displayed. |
GL Code |
General ledger code - for accounting purposes. It is used in the General Ledger Report and through the Business Intelligence and Reports application's Business Intelligence pages.
For more information, refer to Creating a BI Query. |
GL Description1 |
A description of the general ledger code. It is used in the General Ledger Report and through the Business Intelligence and Reports application's Business Intelligence pages.
For more information, refer to Creating a BI Query. |
GL Description2 |
A second description of the general ledger code. It is used in the General Ledger Report and through the Business Intelligence and Reports application's Business Intelligence pages.
For more information, refer to Creating a BI Query. |
Merchant Description |
Enter the text to appear on a customer's credit card statement when admissions to this performance are purchased. You can also display this on the ticket.
Only the MiraServ payment gateway supports this field.
You can set a default description in the Registry application. If you configure different descriptions within the Registry, series and performance, the performance's description will be used first and then the Registry default. The series description is only used when creating new performances for the series.
If more than one merchant description is associated with an order, such as multiple performances with different descriptions, the application will display the default description from the Registry. If there is no default, then no description is displayed. If you expect to have many orders like this, you may want to use the same merchant description for all series with the same producer and for non-producer series, since they can be included in orders that contain any other performances. |
Performance Group |
Enter a name that you want to use to categorize/group performances.
Groups can be used to help filter customer searches, and can be used to search in the Business Intelligence and Reports application. |
Performance Type |
Select the performance type from the dropdown.
The available options are dependent on the series. |
Series Producer |
Identifies the producer for the series if any. You cannot modify this field. |
Performance Ticket Template |
The ticket template to use for the performance. By default, the template defined for the series is used, if any, which you can modify.
A ticket template is not required for series or performances. A performance without a ticket template does not print an admission ticket when a seat is sold. |
Performance Start Time |
The date and time the performance begins.
Enter a date and time or click to select a date and time. If you do not specify a time, the application will assign 00:00:00 (midnight).
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
Performances can be created without a 'Performance Start Time' field entry. Performances without a 'Performance Start Time' cannot be put on-calendar or on-sale. Performances without a 'Performance Start Time' are only available via a bundle. |
Performance End Time |
The date and time the performance ends.
Enter a date and time or click to select a date and time. If you do not specify a time, the application will assign 00:00:00 (midnight).
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date. |
Doors Open Time |
Time the doors open to allow guests into the venue.
Enter a date and time or click to select a date and time. If you do not specify a time, the application will assign 00:00:00 (midnight).
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date. |
Alternate Detailed Image |
The filename of the performance’s Alternate Detailed Image, which has been placed in the %AudienceView%\UI\seatMapImages directory.
The Alternate Detailed Image overrides the venue’s Detailed Image. This image displays on the Customer Services application Seats|Map page or the mapSelect.asp page in AudienceView Online after the user has clicked on the Alternate Overview Image. When the user selects seats, this is the image that is in the background.
This image has more details than the Alternate Overview Image and it is the one upon which seats are defined in Venue Configuration application Performances|Seats page.
The display pane for the seat map in the Customer Services application Seats|Map page and mapSelect.asp in AudienceView Online is 600 x 600. For best results, this image should not exceed 600 x 600 pixels in size. |
Alternate Detailed X-Size |
Width of the Alternate Detailed Image in pixels. Round this value to the nearest whole number; do not enter a decimal value in this field.
Only use this field if you have entered an Alternate Detailed Image. |
Alternate Detailed Y-Size |
Height of the Alternate Detailed Image in pixels. Round this value to the nearest whole number; do not enter a decimal value in this field.
Only use this field if you have entered an Alternate Detailed Image. |
Alternate Overview Image |
The filename of the performance’s Alternate Overview Image, which has been placed in the %AudienceView%\UI\seatMapImages directory.
The Alternate Overview Image overrides the venue’s Overview Image. This image displays when the user first comes to the Customer Services application Seats|Map page or the mapSelect.asp page in AudienceView Online. It is a bird’s eye view of the entire venue and you cannot select seats from this view.
The Alternate Overview Image also displays in:
seatSelect.asp in AudienceView Online
showSeats.asp in AudienceView Online
Venue Configuration application Venue|Screens page
Venue Configuration application Performances|Ticket Usage page
The display pane for the seat map in Customer Services application Seats|Map page and mapSelect.asp in AudienceView Online is 600 x 600. For best results, this image should not exceed 600 x 600 pixels in size and should have the same proportions as the Alternate Detailed Image.
Alternate Overview X-Size |
The width of the Alternate Overview Image in pixels. Round this value to the nearest whole number; do not enter a decimal value in this field.
Only use this field if you have entered an Alternate Overview Image. |
Alternate Overview Y-Size |
The height of the Alternate Overview Image in pixels. Round this value to the nearest whole number; do not enter a decimal value in this field.
Only use this field if you have entered an Alternate Overview Image. |
Association |
Specifies the relationship between the performance and any customers who purchase admissions to that performance, so that customers can more accurately be targetted for marketing purposes. A performance level 'Association' will override a series level 'Association'.
For more information, refer to Customer Associations and Message Sources. |
Eligible Passes |
Specifies the passes that can be used for the performance. By default, the passes defined for the series are selected, if any, which you can modify.
Passes are associated to a customer’s account and can carry admissions. By assigning eligible passes, customers who purchase admissions to the performance can have them assigned to their pass for access to the performance. For more information on passes, refer to Configuring Passes.
To select more than one pass, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections. |
Sales Type |
The sales type field is used as an additional filter for Online search results via the Content Management application Article|Criteria page. This field does not affect the way that performances are sold.
Select how you want to be able to filter the performance in search results:
Add-on: The performance can be filtered as an additional item to the shopping cart (for add-on articles).
Primary: The performance can be filtered normally.
Upsell: The performance can be filtered as a recommended better option than the one currently selected in the shopping cart (for upsell articles).
To select more than one sales type, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
External Reference Code |
If your organization is using AVTiki and you want enable the 'RSVP' button on Facebook for this performance, enter the Facebook Event ID in this field.
Once you create a Facebook event, the Facebook Event ID number (eid) can be found at the end of the event's URL following eid=.
For more information, refer to AVTiki Performance Configuration.
You must also select Enable Reservations from the 'Options' field. |