Once you have created a series, you can create performances for the series if you have the permission to do so. You can also create performances in a batch. For more information, refer to Creating a Batch of Performances.
Before You Begin
Before you create a new performance, ensure you have:
Created the price chart for the performance.
For more information, refer to Venue Configuration Price Charts.
Created the series of which the performance will be part of.
For more information, refer to Venue Configuration Series.
Created roles that can access the performance in the Application Security application, if different from the series.
For more information, refer to Application Security Roles.
Created any questions that may be required or optional for ticket sellers to ask.
For more information, refer to General Configuration Questions.
If a performance will be sold using AudienceView Online/Mobile, you have the option of including one or two images next to the performance code on the Seat Selection page. You can also put a link to a pop-up description HTML page on the same page. These are entered at the performance level if you will be using a different image/page than was set at the series level. If none were set at the series level, you will need to know the location of each of these files before creating the performance. Even if online sales will not be used, you can use the pop-up description HTML page to provide additional information on the Customer Services application Seats|Search page, in which case you need to know the location of the file.
Created the ticket template that will be used, if different from the series. If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time.
For more information, refer to General Configuration Tickets.
Inherited Values from a Series
Each performance created within a series inherits most of the series information excluding the series data fields and keywords. Not all of the inherited values will display on the performance. You can alter the inherited values for individual performances. Changes made to one performance are not applied to any other performance, but overrides those settings from the series. For more information on modifying a performances price zone, holds or best available settings, refer to Modifying a Performance Price Zone Template.
Once a performance has been created, any updates to the series can be pushed down to the performances. However, series allotment changes will not be pushed down to the performance. In addition, if the performance has any customizations that differ from the series, pushing down changes will overwrite those customizations. For more information, refer to Pushing Down Series Changes to Performances.
Creating a Performance
To create a new performance, complete the following:
Open the Venue Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Select the Series tab.
The Series|Search page appears.
Search for and select the series that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Venue Configuration Series-Search Page and Performing Searches.
The Series|Basic page appears.
Click 'New Performance'.
The Performances|Basic page opens.
Complete the details section.
For more information, refer to Performance Details Section.
Complete the order methods section.
For more information, refer to Performance Order Methods Section.
Complete the performance data section.
For more information, refer to Performance Data Section.
To overwrite the calendar information defined by the series, refer to Modifying Calendar Settings by Performance.
To modify the seating information, that is add or remove seats, or the price zone, hold or best available templates, refer to Managing Performances.
This functionality is also available using the Performance Management tab. Procedures that can be performed from either tab are described in Managing Performances.
To set the pricing for the performance, refer to Assigning Performances to an Existing Price Chart.
To create the performance, choose an option: