AudienceView Connect

Enabling the Facebook Like Button

Registering a Site with Facebook

Before you can add the Facebook Like button to a site or article (via the Facebook Like Button Widget), you must register the AudienceView site where the Facebook widgets will appear with Facebook. If you have multiple sites with different domains, each of them will have to be registered with Facebook. Each application ID will then need to be applied to the AudienceView site, as described below.

To register your AudienceView site with Facebook, complete the following:

  1. Navigate to Facebook Developer.
    The Facebook Login page appears.
  2. Login into Facebook. If you do not have an account, you will have to create one.
    The Facebook Request for Permission page appears.
  3. Click 'Allow'
    The Facebook Developers page appears.
  4. Click '+ Create New App'.
    The New App dialog box appears.
  5. Enter the name for your app that you want to be displayed in the 'App Display Name' field.
  6. Select the 'I agree to the Facebook Platform Policies' check box (after reading them).
  7. Click 'Continue'.
    The Security Check Required dialog box appears.
  8. Enter the captcha text seen into the 'Text in the box:' field.
  9. Click 'Submit'.
    Facebook will prompt you to authenticate your account by using either your phone number or credit card.
  10. Click on the link that you want to use to authenticate your account.
  11. Follow the steps provided by Facebook.
    Once your account has been authenticated, you will be taken to the Facebook Developers' Settings|Basic page.
    The 'App ID' is located at the top of the page.
    Make note of the 'App ID' in a conspicuous location so that anybody who will be inserting the Facebook Like Button Widget will have access to it.
  12. Complete the applicable fields.
  13. Click 'Save Changes'.

Enabling the Facebook Like Button

To enable the use of the Facebook Like button, complete the following:

  1. Open the Content Management application from the AudienceView Desktop.
    The Sites|Search page appears.
  2. Search for and select the site that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Content Management Sites-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Sites|Basic page appears.
  3. Select the Applications tab.
    The Sites|Applications page appears.
  4. Select Facebook from the 'Applications' field.
  5. Click 'Add META Tag'.
    A meta tag row appears.
  6. Select Facebook Application ID from the 'Name' dropdown.
  7. Enter the 'App ID' that you received in the steps above in the 'Value' field.
  8. Optionally, you can configure the information that will be displayed on the users' Facebook page once they click on the Like button by clicking 'Add META Tag' and selecting one of the following:
    • Open Graph Description: Enter the description that you want to be displayed on the users' Facebook page once they click the Like button.
      If you do not enter a value for this option, the description entered in the Content Management application Articles|Text page's 'Meta Description' field will be used.
    • Open Graph Image: Enter the absolute URL to the image that you want to be displayed on the users' Facebook page once they click the Like button.
      If you do not enter a value for this option, the image entered in the Content Management application Articles|Basic page's 'Image 1' field will be used.
    • Open Graph Site Name: Enter the site name that you want to be displayed on the users' Facebook page once they click the Like button.
      If you do not enter a value for this option, the value entered in the Content Management application Site|Basic page's 'Name' field will be used.
    • Open Graph Title: Enter the title that you want to be displayed on the users' Facebook page once they click the Like button.
      If you do not enter a value for this option, the value entered in the Content Management application Article|Text page's 'Title' field will be used, or the Content Management application Article|Basic page's 'Name' field if the 'Title' field is empty.
    • Open Graph Type: Enter the object type that you want to assign to the Like button. You can enter any value, but Facebook supports a definitive list.
      For more information, refer to Facebook Open Graph Types.
    • Open Graph URL: Enter the URL that you want to be displayed on the users' Facebook page once they click the Like button. This URL will direct users to the desired site/article.
      If you do not enter a value in this field, the URL will consist of the domain entered in the Content Management application Sites|Basic page's 'Payment Return URL' field plus the article ID or permalink if one has been configured.
  9. Click 'Add Attribute'.
    An attribute row appears.
  10. Select Facebook Application ID from the 'Name' dropdown.
  11. Enter the 'App ID' that you received in the steps above in the 'Value' field.
  12. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the site.
  13. Click 'OK'.

You can now insert the Facebook Like button into articles.

The above information can also be set against a specific article. Any values configured against an article will override the values set against the site. For more information, refer to Enabling the Facebook Like Button for a Specific Article.