You can create a new article and include basic information in the Articles|Basic page. Once articles are created, they can be used in different areas of the site using the Sites|Basic page. Articles are used to provide more information about your organization or the performances that you are producing. You are also able to create articles that display performances that are on sale using the 'Body With Search' article type. Basic article information is stored using the Articles|Basic page. Actual content and layout on the page is managed elsewhere. For more information, refer to the Content Management Articles-Basic Page for more information.
To create a new article, complete the following:
- Open the Content Management application from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Select the Articles tab.
The Articles|Search page appears.
- Click 'Create New'.
The Articles|Basic page appears.
- Complete the following fields:
- Name: The name that you want to give the article (e.g. Main Article).
- Description: The description that you want to give the article. This is for your own purposes and is not displayed to the user.
- Article Type: The type of article. There are four possible article types to choose from:
- Banner: Used for header and footer information for a site
- Body: A body article found in the centre-area of the site
- Body With Search: A body article found in the centre-area of the site that search web widgets can be inserted into it to display the results from associated search criteria in the article.
For more information, refer to Creating Article Search Criteria.
- Feature: An article used for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Features
- Page Header: Enter the name of the article being used for the header of this article or click to search for and select it.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box. This is available for the Body and Body With Search article types.
- Page Footer: Enter the name of the article being used for the footer of this article or click to search for and select it.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box. This is available for the Body and Body With Search article types.
- Primary Linked Features Display: Select the way that you want the 'Primary Linked Feature' articles to display.
- Article: Displays the 'Primary Linked Features' defined on the article in the 'Primary Linked Features' field.
- Both: Displays the 'Primary Linked Features' defined on the article and the Sites|Branding page.
- Site Branding: Displays the 'Primary Linked Features' defined on the Sites|Branding page.
Articles are listed according to their 'Rank'.
- Primary Linked Features: Enter the names of any articles to be displayed at the top of the article (e.g. containing extra links) or click to search for and select it.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box. This is available for the Body and Body With Search article types.
- Secondary Linked Features Display: Select the way that you want the 'Secondary Linked Feature' articles to display.
- Article: Displays the 'Secondary Linked Features' defined on the article in the 'Secondary Linked Features' field.
- Both: Displays the 'Secondary Linked Features' defined on the article and the Sites|Branding page.
- Site Branding: Displays the 'Secondary Linked Features' defined on the Sites|Branding page.
Articles are listed according to their 'Rank'.
- Secondary Linked Features: Enter the names of any articles to be displayed on the left-hand side of the article (e.g. containing extra links) or click to search for and select it.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box. This is available for the Body and Body With Search article types.
- Tertiary Linked Features Display: Select the way that you want the 'Tertiary Linked Feature' articles to display.
- Article: Displays the 'Tertiary Linked Features' defined on the article in the 'Tertiary Linked Features' field.
- Both: Displays the 'Tertiary Linked Features' defined on the article and the Sites|Branding page.
- Site Branding: Displays the 'Tertiary Linked Features' defined on the Sites|Branding page.
Articles are listed according to their 'Rank'.
- Tertiary Linked Features: Enter the names of any articles to be displayed on the right-hand side of the article (e.g. containing extra links) or click to search for and select it.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box. This is available for the Body and Body With Search article types.
- Keywords: Keywords associated to the article, used to be included in the article metadata, used for recommendations.
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry. This allows you to enter other keywords for the article.
- Rank: This numeric field controls the ordering of the linked feature articles. Articles are ranked in descending order (i.e. 4 will be ranked before 1).
- If you want to use article data fields for extracting purposes and have configured the system to track article data in BI, enter it in the 'Article Data 1' through 'Article Data 3' fields as appropriate.
- Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the application created the article.
- Click 'OK'.