When users complete purchases, they are navigated to the viewOrder.asp page. On this page, the headers Now, don’t waste time! and Awesome, here are your tickets! are background images, controlled by the CSS to display these two messages.
| Information The other labels that appear on the viewOrder.asp page can be configured via the Registry. For more information, refer to viewOrder.asp - AVTiki. |
The following image illustrates the viewOrder.asp page and where the Now, don’t waste time! and Awesome, here are your tickets! messages are displayed:
The following image illustrates the imge used to display the Now, don’t waste time! and Awesome, here are your tickets! messages:
- Default background image: box-headings.png
The following illustrates the CSS that controls the messaging images:
#viewOrder.bodyDetails .facebook-buttons.wall p {
background: url(box-headings.png) -520px 10px no-repeat;
padding-top: 43px;
#viewOrder.bodyDetails .facebook-buttons.access p {
background: url(box-headings.png) -520px -168px no-repeat;
padding-top: 43px;
The padding-top property controls the height of the image. If you do not configure a padding-top value ensure that the image sizes is equal or less than 750px wide by 43px high.