AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

showSeats.asp - AVTiki

You can customize the field labels and buttons within the showSeat.asp page, using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::AVTiki::Orders Show My Seats Title Your Seat Locations
Application::AVTiki::Seats Seat Map Seat Map
Application::AVTiki::Navigation Back Back
Application::AVTiki::Messages Browser Not Supported We're Sorry. This feature is not supported with your web browser.
Application::AVTiki::Messages Note Note:
Application::AVTiki::Performances Seat Disclaimer The depicted seat locations are a representation and may not be exact.
Application::AVTiki::Messages No Performance Admissions Admissions for the selected performance are not currently in your Shopping Cart

The following .INC file labels also appear on this page: