AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

AVTiki - branding-styles.css

The following is the AVTiki - branding-styles.css style sheet that should be used to make changes to AVTiki branding. Once you have made your changes, upload the branding-styles.css file to the desired site using the Content Management application Site|Branding page. For more information, refer to Branding a Site.

This file can be found in your welcome package. An AVTiki 6.3.2 - branding_checklist.xls file can also be found within your welcome package. This file can be used to request specific changes from your AudienceView project team. The Default AVTiki Branding portion of this guide provides more detail on specific portions of the AVTiki - branding-styles.css.

If you want to remove a particular branding option, you must explicitly set the option to none or 0px appropriately. If you simply remove the line that you no longer want to use, the style setting in the AVTiki global.css file will override the removed option.

For information about CSS, refer to

AVTiki - branding-styles.css
1	/****************************************************************************************************	
3	              assumes that this file is in a directory called "site_branding" directory in ArticleMedia	
4	                      * for example:	
5	                      * relative path for reaching the Images directory in ArticleMedia:	
6	                              ** url(../../Images/)	
7	                      * relative path to branding folder:	
8	                              ** url(../../../FB/branding/)	
10	****************************************************************************************************/	
12	/* =Basic HTML Styles	
13	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
15	body {	
16		background: #fff;
17		color: #3F3F3F;
18		font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
19		font-size: 14px;
20	}	
21	a:link, 	
22	a:visited, 	
23	a:hover, 	
24	a:active {	
25		color: #DD3C10;
26	}	
27	h1 {	
28		font-size: 22px;
29		font-weight: normal;
30	}	
31	h2 {	
32		font-size: 18px;
33		font-weight: normal; 
34	}	
35	h3 {	
36		font-weight: bold; 
37	}	
38	input[type="submit"],	
39	input[type="button"] {	
40		background: #cfcfcf;
41		border-color: #a6a6a6;
42		border-style: solid;
43		border-width: 1px;
44		color: #454545;
45		font-size: 11px;
46	}	
47	.required {	
48		color: #DD3C10;
49		font-weight: bold;
50	}	
52	/* =containers Styles	
53	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
54	.secondary-brand {	
55		background: url(images/logo_audienceview.png);
56	}	
57	/**********    IE7 hacks to position brand logos  *************/	
58	#content {	
59		background-color: #fff;
60	}	
61	.bodyDetails {	
62		background-color: #fcfcfc;
63		border: 1px solid #D8DFEA;
64	}	
67	/* =order timeout Styles	
68	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
70	.orderInfo {	
71		border-top: 5px solid #DD3C10;
72	}	
73	.orderInfo p {	
74		background: #DD3C10;
75		border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
76		box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
77		color: #fff;
78	}	
79	.orderInfo p .offer-timeout {	
80		font-weight: bold;
81	}	
84	/* =datatable Styles	
85	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
87	.dataTable {	
88		border-bottom: 2px groove #fff;
89	}	
90	.dataTable td a {	
91		color: #2c77b8;
92	}	
93	tr.odd td,	
94	tr.even td {	
95		background: #E7EBF2;
96		border-top: 2px groove #fff;
97	}	
99	/* =landing page Styles	
100	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
102	#search_results table {	
103		border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
104		border-bottom: 2px groove #fff;
105		border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
106	}	
107	#search_results table tr td.event-image img {	
108		display: inline-block;
109		width: 55px;
110		height: 55px;
111	}	
112	.performance-link input[type="button"] {	
113		font-size: 14px;
114	}	
115	.performance-link span.unavailable-message,	
116	.performance-link span.sold-out-message {	
117		background: #b6c4dd;
118		border-width: 1px;
119		border-color: #d4d7dc #d4d7dc #c1c4c8 #d4d7dc;
120		border-style: solid;
121		border-radius: 3px;
122		box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
123		color: #0c0c0c;
124		font-size: 14px;
125		font-weight: bold;
126		text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
127	}	
128	.performance-link.unavailable .next-on-sale  {	
129		font-size: 11px;
130		font-style: italic;
131	}	
133	/* =Pagination	
134	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
136	#search_results table.pagination {	
137		background: #E7EBF2;
138	}	
140	/* =event details	
141	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
143	.selected-event-info td {	
144		background: #E7EBF2;
145		border: solid #ccc;
146		border-width: 1px;
147	}	
148	.event-details .event-name,	
149	#event-details .event-name {	
150		font-size: 18px;
151		font-weight: bold;
152		text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
153	}	
155	/* =Event Details on viewOrder.asp	
156	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
157	#viewOrder .event-logo {	
158		width: 50px;
159		height: 50px;
160	}	
161	#viewOrder #event-details ul {	
162		font-size: 12px;
163	}	
164	#viewOrder #event-details .event-name {	
165		font-size: 16px;
166	}	
168	/* =Event Facepile	
169	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
171	#rsvp-actions {	
172		background-image: url(check.png);
173		background-color: #697DA8;
174	}	
175	#facebook-event-block h2 {	
176		font-size: 14px;
177	}	
178	#facebook-event-block h2 span {	
179		font-style: italic;
180	}	
182	/* =Seat Select pop-ups	
183	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
185	#offerInfoPopUp {	
186		background: #fff;
187		border: 2px solid #29447E;
188	}	
189	#offerInfoPopUp .pop-up-header {	
190		background: #627AAD;
191		color: #fff; 
192	}	
193	#offerInfoPopUp ul li {	
194		background-image: url(list-circle.png);
195		color: #000;
196	}	
197	#offerInfoPopUp h1 {	
198		margin: 0 0 30px;
199	}	
201	/* =Seat Select page Styles	
202	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
204	.seat-quantity #select-admissions,	
205	.seat-quantity #select-reservations {	
206		background: #E7EBF2;
207		border: 1px solid #ccc;
208	}	
209	.seat-quantity h2 {	
210		background: #29447E;
211		color: #fff;
212		font-weight: bold;
213		text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #000;
214	}	
216	/* =reservations CTA	
217	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
219	.reservations table,	
220	.seat-quantity table {	
221		background: #fff;
222		border: solid #ccc;
223		border-width: 1px 1px 0;
224	}	
225	.reservations table td,	
226	.seat-quantity table td {	
227		border: groove #ccc;
228		border-width: 0 0 1px;
229	}	
231	/* =create account/billing page Styles	
232	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
234	#customer-details {	
235		background: #E7EBF2;
236		border: 1px solid #ccc;
237	}	
238	#customer-details h2 {	
239		color: #234c78;
240		font-weight: bold;
241	}	
242	#payment input[type="text"],	
243	#payment select,	
244	#payment textarea {	
245		border: 1px solid #ccc;
246		background: #fff;
247	}	
248	#payment input[type="text"]:focus,	
249	#payment select:focus,	
250	#payment textarea:focus {	
251		outline: 2px solid #1D4088;
252	}	
253	.order-block h2 {	
254		background: #ccc;
255		font-weight: bold;
256		text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;
257	}	
258	.order-block h2 span {	
259		font-size: 13px;
260		font-style: italic;
261		font-weight: normal;
262	}	
263	#order-questions p,	
264	#order-additional-info p {	
265		border-bottom: 2px groove #fff;
266	}	
267	#delivery-method-select table {	
268		border-bottom: 2px groove #fff;
269	}	
270	#delivery-method-select td.method-description {	
271		font-size: 11px;
272	}	
273	#delivery-method-select td.method-description label {	
274		font-size: 14px;
275		font-weight: bold;
276	}	
277	.paymentBox ul li label {	
278		font-weight: bold;
279	}	
280	#payment .paymentBox ul li select {	
281		background: #fff;
282		border: 1px solid #ccc;
283	}	
284	#payment .paymentBox ul li input {	
285		border: 1px solid #ccc;
286	}	
287	.paymentBox ul li a {	
288		font-size: 11px;
289	}	
290	.order-summary table tr.reservations-total td,	
291	#purchase-summary table tr.order-offers td {	
292		font-weight: bold;
293		color: #DD3C10;
294	}	
295	tr.grand-total td,	
296	.order-summary table tr.grand-total td,	
297	#purchase-summary table tr.grand-total td {	
298		background: #98bde5;
299		border-bottom: 2px groove #fff;
300		font-size: 15px;
301		font-weight: bold;
302	}	
303	#orderInstructions {	
304		font-size: 11px;
305	}	
307	/* =order summary page Styles	
308	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
309	.order-summary table tr.grand-total td,	
310	.order-summary {	
311		font-size: 12px;
312	}	
313	.order-summary h2 {	
314		font-size: 15px;
315	}	
316	.order-summary table tr.payment-total td {	
317		background: #f0bcae;
318		border-top: 2px groove #ccc;
319		font-weight: bold;
320	}	
321	#sharing-calls-to-action p {	
322		font-size: 12px;
323	}	
324	#sharing-calls-to-action a.share-button {	
325		background-color: #29447E;
326		color: #fff;
327	}	
328	#sharing-calls-to-action a.share-button#appReqBtn {	
329		background-image: url(invite.png);
330	}	
331	#sharing-calls-to-action a.share-button#publishBtn {	
332		background-image: url(share.png);
333	}	
334	#download-tickets table td {	
335		background: #FFE8C6;
336		border: 1px solid #F47320;
337		color: #000;
338		font-size: 12px;
339	}	
340	#download-tickets table td ul li.already-downloaded {	
341		color: #F47320
342		font-weight: bold;
343	}	
345	/* =Navigation-box	
346	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
349	.navigation-box a {	
350		color: #3f3f3f;
351	}	
354	/* =Widget	
355	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
357	.widget {	
358		background: #eaeaea;
359		border: 1px outset #d3d3d3;
360		border-radius: 6px;
361	}	
362	.black_overlay {	
363		background-color: #fff;
364	}	
367	/* = pop-up window styles	
368	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
370	body#popup {	
371		background: #fff;
372	}	
373	#popupDiv {	
374		background: #f2f2f2;
375		border-color: rgb(82, 82, 82);
376		border-width: 10px;
377		border-style: solid;
378		border-radius: 8px;
379	}	
380	#popupDiv #popupDiv_title {	
381		background: #627AAD;
382		color: #fff; 
383		font-weight: bold;
384	}	
385	#popupDiv .header {	
386		font-weight: bold;
387	}	
388	.popupDiv_giftCard {	
389		background: #fff;
390	}	
391	#popupDiv_alertContainer span {	
392		font-weight: bold;
393	}	
394	#popupDiv_confirmDiv,	
395	#popupDiv_timeoutDiv,	
396	#popupDiv_successDiv,	
397	#popupDiv_errorDiv {	
398		background: #fff;
399		border-bottom: 1px solid #E2E2E2;
400	}	
401	#popupDiv_errorDiv #alertMessage {	
402		color: #3B5998;
403		font-weight: bold;
404	}	
405	#popupDiv_buttonContainer input {	
406		background: #6079ab;
407	        border-color: #29447E #29447E #1A356E;	
408		color: #fff;
409	}	
410	#popupBody {	
411		background: #fff;
412	}	
413	#loadArticle {	
414		background: #fff;
415	}	
417	/* = misc styles	
418	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
419	.performance-link input[type="button"],	
420	#offerInfoPopUp a,	
421	#rsvp-actions a,	
422	input[type="button"].new-order-btn,	
423	.navigation-box .next-btn {	
424		background: #29447E;
425		border-width: 1px;
426		border-color: #5B74A8 #1A356E #1c2f55 #536997;
427		border-style: solid;
428		border-radius: 3px;
429		box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
430		color: #fff;
431		font-weight: bold;
432		text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #000;
433		text-decoration: none;
434		text-align: center;
435	}	
436	.media-container {	
437		border: solid #e9e9e9;
438		border-width: 1px 0;
439	}	
440	.label {	
441	    font-weight: bold;	
442	} 	
444	/* = attention block	
445	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
447	.attention {	
448		background: #FFE8C6;
449		border: 1px solid #F47320;
450		color: #3F3F3F;
451		font-weight: bold;
452	}	
453	#default.bodyDetails .attention h1,	
454	.attention h1 {	
455		color: #3F3F3F;
456	}	
458	/* = search bar	
459	-------------------------------------------------------------- */	
461	/* search wrapper */	
462	#search {	
463		border-bottom: 1px solid #d8dfea;
464	}	
466	/* search navigation */	
467	#search #search-nav li {	
468		float: right;
469	}	
470	#search #search-nav li a {	
471		display: block;
472		background: #fff;
473		font: bold 11px/12px arial, sans-serif;
474		text-decoration: none;
475		color: #b5b5b5;
476		border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px;
477	}	
478	#search #search-nav li a.selected {	
479		background: #edeff4;
480		color: #3f3f3f;
481	}	
484	/* from elements*/	
485	#search span.searchBoxLabel {	
486		font-weight: bold;
487	}	
488	#search input[type='text'] {	
489		border: 1px solid #bcbcbc;
490		background: #fff;
491	}	
492	#searchDates img {	
493		background: url(buttons.png) 0 -60px no-repeat;
494	}