AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

AVTiki Troubleshooting

The first step in troubleshooting is to verify that it is possible to browse to AVTiki microsites directly on the server.

Browsing to a microsite:

Successfully browsing to a microsite:

If you successfully navigate to the AVTiki microsites directly from the server, the microsites as well as the AVTiki Desktop configuration have been properly configured.

If you do not successfully navigate to the AVTiki microsites directly from the server, the 'Facebook App ID' and 'Facebook Application Secret' values might have been entered incorrectly on the Content Management application Site|Branding page. Verify that 'Facebook App ID' and 'Facebook Application Secret' values are correct. For more information, refer to AVTiki Site Configuration.

If you still cannot successfully navigate to AVTiki, verify that the URL in the AVTikiPurchase redirect, found in the UI\redirect_purchase\default.asp file is correct by opening the default.asp file, then copying the URL and pasting it into the browser window.

If the site loads then both the URL and the Facebook App are working.

Verify that the URLs within the Facebook App configuration are correct.

Versions of AudienceView prior to 6.3.3 require that the 'Facebook App ID', 'Facebook Secret' and 'Page ID' values be set in the global.asa. For more information, refer to AVTiki Global.asa Settings (Versions Prior to AudienceView 6.3.3).