AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Access Control Guide

AudienceView's Access Control is used to validate and record the use of admission tickets when ticket holders attempt to enter an event.

When customers present tickets at an event, you can use ticket scanners to scan the ticket. Using colours, status displays and optional device sounds, Access Control notifies the user whether the ticket is valid and if not, displays a reason for the error.

The files related to Access Control for ticket scanners are located within the %AudienceView%\UI\GateManagement directory.

For an outline of the Access Control Guide's content, refer to the Access Control Content Map.

The following table lists and describes the pages used by Access Control:

Page Description
configuration.asp Enables users to configure scanning options.
default.asp The default page loaded when users attempt access Access Control. This page enables users to log on.
logonChangePassword.asp Page that appears when a user’s password expires.
performances.asp Enables users with TSperformanceCO::search permission to search for performances for scanning. For more information, refer to Configuring Access Control Security Settings.
Users can select multiple performances from this page for scanning.
The date format displayed here is determined by the default date format defined in the Registry. You can overwrite this format by setting the format in the TSperformanceCO::Query::Clause::Start Date node.
Performances displayed in a user’s search results are based on the 'On Calendar' and 'On Sale' date settings configured for their role.
report.asp Displays the Scanned Tickets Report within Access Contol.
Access to this page is determined by the Reporting content page. For more information, refer to Configuring Access Control Security Settings.
scan.asp Enables users to scan tickets.
To customize the scan colours, refer to Configuring Default Scan Colours.