Once a patch has been released using the Release Packaging Automation process follow the following process to patch a client.
Pre-Patch Preparation
Connect to the client following the steps in the VPN Access portion of the PA-DSS Implementation Guide.
Browse to http://electron/ and download the latest patch for your version as well as the latest Migration package.
Transfer the downloaded .ZIP files to the App server using the steps in the AudienceView Software Distribution portion of the PA-DSS Implementation Guide.
Login to AVConnect using the credentials provided by your account manager.
Browse to the Documents section and download the release notes for the patch of AudienceView that you are applying.
Using File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) as recommended by the AudienceView Software Distribution portion of the PA-DSS Implementation Guide compute the MD5 hash of both the .ZIP patch and the .ZIP migration package.
Run the Cmd prompt as Administrator.
Change the directory to the FCIV folder.
Run fciv.exe C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x.zip, where x_x_x is the AudienceView version number.
MD5 hash will appear in the cmd prompt.
Ensure the MD5 hashes computed in Step 6 matches the MD5 hashes contained in the release notes obtained in Step 5.
Notify all active users that the system will be temporarily down.
On the App Server open IIS.
Stop the site and App Pool named ClientNameProdDesktop where ClientName is the name of the Client being patched.
If any additional sites or servers are being used with the same DB those sites should also be stopped. |
On the DB Server open Sql Studios.
Backup DB ClientNameProd.
Upgrade Libs
On the App server.
Unzip the patch zip file to C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x replacing x_x_x with the version number.
Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Libs folder.
Right-click on the registerlibs.bat file.
Select Run as administrator.
Right-click on the regcaptcha.bat file.
Select Run as administrator.
Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Libs\AVS Gateways folder.
Right-click on the CopyDLLs.cmd file.
Select Run as administrator.
Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\Libs\Payment Gateways folder.
Right-click on the CopyDLLs.cmd folder.
Select Run as administrator.
Upgrade UI
On the App server.
Copy the C:\AudienceView\Build\audienceview_x_x_x\UI folder into the C:\AudienceView\Client_Name folder.
Rename C:\AudienceView\Client_Name\ProdDesktop to C:\AudienceView\Client_Name\ProdDesktop_oldVersionNumber.
Rename C:\AudienceView\Client_Name\UI to C:\AudienceView\Client_Name\ProdDesktop
Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\ClientName\ProdDesktop_oldVersionNumber folder.
Copy the current connection string found on line 29.
tsApp.setConnectString("COPY THIS PORTION")
Right-click on the global.asa file.
Select Edit.
Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\ClientName\ProdDesktop folder.
Right-click on the global.asa file.
Select Edit.
Replace the current connection string found on line 29 with the one copied in Step 8.
tsApp.setConnectString("REPLACE THIS PORTION")
Save and close the global.asa file.
Upgrading the DB Schema
On the App server.
Unzip the Migration package .ZIP file to C:\AudienceView\Build\Migration.
Run the Cmd prompt as Administrator.
Change the directory to C:\AudienceView\Build\Migration\VersionUpgrade\z.z\y_y_y_x_x_x, where z.z is the version of AudienceView that the client will be using, y_y_y is the AudienceView version number that the client will be migrating from, and x_x_x is the AudienceView version number that the client will be migrating to.
If there is no folder ending in the patch number being applied no DB Schema changes are needed and proceed to the Sanity Check section. |
Run VU_launch_y_y_y_x_x_x.bat --du [dbuser] --dp [dbpass] – s [dbserver] – dn [dbname]
Fill in the following values provided by your sql administrator:
Set dbuser = The database user name.
Set dbpass = The database user password.
Set dbserver = The IP address of your sql server.
Set dbname = ClientNameProd.
Sanity Check
On the App Server open IIS.
Start the site and App Pool named ClientNameProdDesktop as well as any other sites and app pools using the same database.
Open a browser.
Browse to https://localhost:8080/.
Login using your AudienceView 'User name' and 'Password'.
These will be the same as before the patch.
Select Box Office from the 'User Role' dropdown.
Press SHIFT+A.
A pop-up will appear with the current Libraries being used. Confirm that this matches the patch that was applied and that after the 'Build Date' the words [Unofficial Build] do not appear.

Click 'Apply'.
To remove unnecessary files, complete the following:
On the App Server.
Close all of the files and software that remain open.
Delete the patch and migration .ZIP files.
Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build folder.
Locate the old AudienceView Version folder. Delete the entire audienceview_y_y_y folder.
Delete the entire Migration folder.
audienceview_x_x_x should be the only folder remaining.
Browse to the C:\AudienceView\Build\ClientName folder.
Delete the entire ProdDesktop_oldVersionNumber folder.
On the database server, delete the backup created in Step 12 of the Pre-Patch Preparation section.
Notify all active users that the system is running.