AudienceView Connect

Extracting Tax Receipt Data

The Utilities application Pledges|Tax Receipts page enables you to extract data to print tax receipts and/or thank you letters. To extract data for thank you letters separate from tax receipt data, refer to Extracting Thank You Letter Data.

Tax receipts can only be generated if there is a receiptable amount on the order. One receipt is generated per order, regardless of how many payments are on the order. For donations with multiple payments, the most recent payment date is displayed on the receipt.

To extract data for tax receipts, complete the following:

  1. Open the Utilities application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Pledges tab.
    The Pledges|Tax Receipts page appears.
  3. Enter the criteria that will be used to search for donations to which you want to provide a tax receipt and the template to use for the receipt.
    For more information, refer to Utilities Pledges-Tax Receipts Page.
    Click 'Reload' to clear the values you entered.
  4. Click 'Preview'.
    The preview section displays a sample of those donations that met your search criteria. Not all of the donations that met your search criteria are displayed.
  5. Choose an option:
    the desired Then
    donations are not in your search results, repeat the process from Step 3.
    donations are returned in your results, continue to Step 6
  6. Click 'Extract'.

AudienceView generates the extract and prompts you to Open or Save the extracted file.

For more information on using 'Mail Merge' as your Extract Type, refer to Using Mail Merge to Print Tax Receipts and Thank You Letters.