AudienceView Connect

Utilities Print-Print Query Select Page

The Utilities application Print|Print Query Select page provides a list of all saved queries that are used to print tickets. By default this page contains the General Print and the General Print Cancel queries. If you hover over the query name a short description will be displayed in the description section.

Criteria for the displayed queries are created in the Business Intelligence and Reports application and saved in the appropriate General Print or General Print Cancel folder. Business Intelligence allows you to create custom queries to target the specific orders.

To create specific queries for your printing, refer to refer to Business Intelligence and Reports Business Intelligence.

The following image illustrates the Utilities application Print|Print Query Select page:

Default Queries

The General Print query allows you to search for batches of printable items (e.g. tickets, gift certificates) that you want to print in a large batch (e.g. tickets that need to be mailed to customers after an on-sale).

For more information, refer to Utilities Print-Order Print Page.

The General Print Cancel query allows you to search for batches of items that have already been printed (e.g. tickets, gift certificates) that you want to cancel (e.g. a performance has been cancelled/postponed, but the tickets have already been printed).

For more information, refer to Utilities Print-Print Cancel Page.

By default, both of the general queries allow you to search for a range of database order IDs, order numbers, created on dates, contact first names, contact last names, first performance start dates, first series names, amounts due, roles and total amounts.