To configure Fortress-compatible pass templates, complete the following:
- Open the General Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Select the Tickets tab.
The Tickets|Search page appears.
- Click 'Create New'.
The Tickets|Basic page appears.
- Specify the name of the ticket template in the 'Name' field.
- Select Pass from the 'Type' dropdown.
- Click 'Add Preferences'.
A new stock preference row appears.
- Select the stock to use when printing this template from the 'Stock' dropdown.
- Enter a number (your order of preference) in the 'Rank' field.
| Hint If the highest ranked stock corresponds to a printer that is unavailable, the ticket will print using the next ranked stock. |
- For every stock type that you would like to add to the ticket template, repeat the process from Step 6.
| Hint For pass cards, you will most likely select Ticket Stock as the 1 ranked stock. |
- Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the application created the ticket template.
- Click 'OK'.