AudienceView Connect

Creating Fortress Pass Templates

To configure Fortress-compatible pass templates, complete the following:

  1. Open the General Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Tickets tab.
    The Tickets|Search page appears.
  3. Click 'Create New'.
    The Tickets|Basic page appears.
  4. Specify the name of the ticket template in the 'Name' field.
  5. Select Pass from the 'Type' dropdown.
  6. Click 'Add Preferences'.
    A new stock preference row appears.
  7. Select the stock to use when printing this template from the 'Stock' dropdown.
  8. Enter a number (your order of preference) in the 'Rank' field.
    If the highest ranked stock corresponds to a printer that is unavailable, the ticket will print using the next ranked stock.
  9. For every stock type that you would like to add to the ticket template, repeat the process from Step 6.
    For pass cards, you will most likely select Ticket Stock as the 1 ranked stock.
  10. Click 'Create'.
    A window confirms that the application created the ticket template.
  11. Click 'OK'.