AudienceView Connect

Adding a Miscellaneous Item to an Order


You can only add to an order those miscellaneous items that are available to your user role.

To add a miscellaneous item to an order, complete the following:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Orders tab.
    The Order|Search page appears.
  3. Create or search for the order you want to add a miscellaneous item to. 
    For more information, refer to Creating an Order or Searching for an Order.
  4. Select the Miscellaneous Items tab.
    The Miscellaneous Items|Search page appears.
  5. Search for and select the miscellaneous item that you want to add to your order. For more information, refer to the Customer Services - Miscellaneous Items|Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Miscellaneous Items|Details page appears.
  6. Enter the desired quantity in the 'Quantity' field.
    If multiple options have been configured for the item (e.g. sizes, colours), multiple quantity fields will display; one for each option.
  7. Click 'Add to Order'.
    The Order|Summary page appears with the item displayed in the miscellaneous items section.
    Clicking the link in the 'Miscellaneous Item' column opens the Order|Other|Items page. This page can be used to view and delete the items added to the order. For more information, refer to Viewing or Modifying Miscellaneous Items on an Order.
  8. If the miscellaneous item was configured with the 'User Can Change Amount' check box selected for the role (available as of AudienceView 6.8.10), the per 'Unit Amount' can be adjusted. 
  9. Enter a comment in the 'Comment' field, if applicable.
  10. To assign the miscellaneous item’s entitlements to a customer other than the customer attached to the order, enter the customer number in the 'Customer Number' field or click to search for a customer. For more information, refer to The Find Customers Dialog Box.
    Assign a customer to a miscellaneous item if the item carries with it an entitlement (membership, benefit, or pass). If there is a customer associated with the order, the application assigns the entitlements to this customer unless a different customer number is specified in the miscellaneous items section. For more information, refer to Miscellaneous Items and Entitlements.
  11. For each miscellaneous item that you want to add, repeat the process from Step 5.
  12. Click 'Create' or 'Apply'. 
For those miscellaneous items that included a membership, the customer's account is updated with the membership and any associated benefits and passes. Entitlements earned with the item are given to the customer, regardless of whether the order has been paid.