AudienceView Connect

Adding Admissions to Performances in a Batch

For those performances that do not include all of the venue’s admissions, you can add the seats to one or more performances, if you have the appropriate permissions. For example, the performance may have been created without any admissions, the venue may have been modified or admissions may have been removed.

Seats can also be added using the Venue Configuration application. For more information, refer to the Adding an Admission to a Single Performance and Adding an Admission to Multiple Performances.

You can only add admissions to a performance if they already exist in the venue's seating map.

To add admissions to a performance, complete the following:

  1. Open the Utilities application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Performances tab.
    The Performances|Templates page appears.
  3. Select the Admissions tab.
    The Performances|Admissions page appears.
  4. Search for and select the performances that you want to work with.
    For more information, refer to Searching for Performances to Update in a Batch.
  5. Select the performances that you want to update in the matching performances section.
    Click 'Select All' to select all of the performances on the current page. This will not select performances on other pages.
    You should verify with the venue the exact naming of the seats you want to add.
  6. In the add/remove seats section, enter section, row and seats of the admissions you want to add.
    To add additional fields, click  or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry. To add a whole row, only enter the section and row. If you want to add different seats from multiple rows, you must enter them individually.
  7. Click 'Add Admissions'.
    A window prompts you to confirm the addition of the selected admissions. The confirmation displays the total number of admissions that will be added and the number of performances effected.
  8. Click 'OK'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the admissions.
  9. Click 'OK'.