AudienceView Connect

Creating a Report Template

You can create new reports to meet your organziations needs. The reports that are created using the General Configuration application Reports|Edit page will appear in the Business Intelligence and Reports application Generated Reports|Reports page.

To create a new report, complete the following:

  1. Open the General Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Reports tab.
    The Reports|Search pages appears.
  3. Click 'Create New'.
    The Reports|Edit page appears.
  4. Enter an appropriate name and description for the report in the 'Name' and 'Description' fields.
  5. Enter the type of report you are creating in the 'Type' field.
    This is the folder in which the report will appear on the Business Intelligence and Reports application Generated Reports|Reports page.
  6. Click next to the 'Input Filter ID' field, and select an input option. This is where the information for the report will be pulled from.
    A SQL option must be selected.
  7. Click 'OK'.
  8. Click next to the 'Output Filter ID' field, and select one or more output options (CSV, AVDocument and HTML).
    To select more than output option, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
    The option(s) selected should match the option selected in the 'Input Filter ID' field. If Admission Release Summary (text/sql) is selected then:
    • Admission Release Summary (file/csv);
    • Admission Release Summary (text/avdocument); and/or
    • Admission Release Summary (text/html) should be selected.
  9. Click '>>' to add the selected output options to the list.
  10. Click 'OK'.
  11. Click next to the 'Default Output Filter ID' field, and select an output option.
    The option selected will be the output that is used when the 'Execute' button is pressed.
  12. Click 'OK'.
  13. Click 'Add Field'.
    The field section displays. This section defines each of the fields that will appear on the report's Business Intelligence and Reports application Generated Reports|Parameters page.
  14. Enter a name for the field in the 'Field' field.
  15. Enter a description for the field in the 'Label' field. This is what will appear on the report's Business Intelligence and Reports application Generated Reports|Parameters page.
  16. Select the type of information that you would the field to retain (e.g. currency, integar) from the 'Type' dropdown.
  17. Optionally, enter a group name in the 'Group' field. Any fields that are categorized by a group will appear on the report's Business Intelligence and Reports application Generated Reports|Parameters page once the section is expanded. If a value is not entered, the field will appear in the criteria section.
  18. Select whether or not the field is Required or Optional. If a value is not selected, the field will default to Required.
  19. If you would like to restrict the field to a default set of values, you can select a pre-existing list by clicking next to the 'List' field.
  20. Select the list that you would like to use and click 'OK'. You can also create a list of values to use. For more information, refer to Configuring Lists.
  21. Enter the maximum number of field entries that will be allowed. If the value is set higher than 1, then will appear allowing users to add additional fields.
  22. If a list is selected in the 'List' field, the 'default value' will be populated with the lists' options (once the report template has been saved).
  23. For every field that you would like to add to the report, repeat the process from Step 13.
  24. To sort multiple fields on the report, enter numbers, in descending order, in the 'Row' fields.
  25. Click 'Create'
    A window confirms that the application created the report.
  26. Click 'OK'.