The Business Intelligence and Reports application Business Intelligence|Saved Queries page enables you to select saved BI queries (lists) to extract data specific to customers, orders, admissions, notes and more. Hover over a saved list in the serach results to display a description of the list in the list description section. When a saved BI query has been selected the Saved Business Intelligence|Parameters page appears, displaying the criteria pertinent to the selected BI query.
For more information, refer to Saving a BI Query and Saving a BI Query to a Folder (Custom Searches).
The following image illustrates the Business Intelligence and Reports application Saved Business Intelligence|Saved Queries page:
The Saved Business Intelligence|Saved Queries Page
The Saved Business Intelligence|Saved Queries lists all of the Business Intelligence queries that have been created and saved. The queries are categorized by the type of Business Intelligence query:
- Admission Queries
- Bundle Queries
- Correspondence Queries
- Customer Queries
- Gift Queries
- Gift Certificate Queries
- Miscellaneous Items Queries
- Notes Queries
- Gift Queries
- Offer Queries
- Bundle Queries
- Order Queries
- Order Payment Queries
- Performance Queries
- Requests Queries
- Service Charges Queries
- Tickets Queries