AudienceView Connect

Adding Third Party Ticket Numbers

You can add ticket numbers provided by a third party if you have the appropriate permissions. When adding ticket numbers, you can only work with one performance at a time.

To add tickets to a performance from a third party, complete the following:

  1. Open the Utilities application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Performances tab.
    The Performances|Templates page appears.
  3. Select the Tickets tab.
    The Performances|Tickets page appears.
  4. Search for and select the performances that you want to work with.
    For more information, refer to Searching for Performances to Update in a Batch.
  5. Select the performance that you want to work with in the matching performances section.
  6. In the add or cancel tickets section, enter the ticket number(s) you are adding in the 'Ticket Numbers' field.
    For more information, refer to Notes About Entering Ticket Numbers.
  7. Click 'Add Tickets'.
    A window prompts you to confirm the total number of tickets being added. This number is based on the number of lines you entered in the 'Ticket Numbers' field.
  8. Click 'OK'.
    A window confirms that the application added the total number of tickets.
  9. Click 'OK'.