AudienceView Connect

Changing Your Printer

To change your current printer(s), complete the following:

  1. From the AudienceView Desktop, click the Welcome [Your Name]! dropdown in the upper, right-hand corner.
    The Change Your Settings menu expands.
  2. Select the printer that you want to use from the appropriate 'Stock' dropdown:
    • Letter Size Stock: The printer used to print 81/2" x 11" sheets of paper for invoices and confirmations.
    • Ticket Stock: The printer used to print tickets.
    • Card Stock: The printer used to print gift certificates and gift cards.
  3. You can now also change your user role, location and payment terminal.

Once you have selected an option from a dropdown within the Change Your Settings menu, the changes are applied.

Alternatively, you can change your printer from any screen within AudienceView by completing the following:

  1. Press SHIFT+S.
    The Change Your Settings window appears.
  2. Select the printer that you want to use from the appropriate 'Stock' dropdown:
    • Letter Size Stock: The printer used to print 81/2" x 11" sheets of paper for invoices and confirmations.
    • Ticket Stock: The printer used to print tickets.
    • Card Stock: The printer used to print gift certificates and gift cards.
  3. You can now also change your user role, location and payment terminal.
  4. Click 'Apply'.
    The Change Your Settings window closes, and your changes are applied.