You can configure gifts to give points towards earning a membership. As donors make donations, the donor earns points based on the ratio of points per dollar. Once the donor has earned a specified number of points defined for the membership, the application grants the membership. If the membership is incremental, the donor can earn different levels of the membership based on the number of points. You can use memberships to give donors benefits such as passes or access to promotional codes, or for tracking purposes. For more information, refer to General Configuration Memberships.
Points are versioned. Versions provide you with the means to change the points and membership information, while maintaining a complete record of all previous versions. Versions can be set to take effect immediately or in the future. The version’s start date determines when the current version will stop working and the new version will take effect. You can edit values for a version whose start date is still in the future, but not one whose start date is on or before today’s date.
 | Caution Before you begin this procedure, ensure you have set up memberships. For more information, refer to Creating a Membership. |
To add points, complete the following:
- Open the Funds Management application from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Select the Gifts tab.
The Gifts|Search page appears.
- Search for and select the gift that you want to add points to. For more information, refer to the Funds Management Gifts-Search Page and Performing Searches.
The Gifts|Details page appears.
- Click 'Add'.
A new point version record is added to the points section.
- Complete the section.
For more information, refer to the Points Section.
- Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application updated the gift.
- Click 'OK'.