AudienceView Connect

Configuring Auto-Print Browser Preferences

The recommended browser is Firefox. After installing Firefox and Foxit Reader make sure that you install the web page fixer add-on. If this add-on is not installed the files will not automatically be sent to the printer. The add-on also will fixes many web pages that do not show up correctly. It extracts Microsoft Office-exported html (Office Web Components), and fixes many "Internet Explorer only" pages and other web annoyances. You can use the add-on to turn symbol font-charcters into standard viewable symbols, and you can set it to turn image alts into tooltip titles so that you can see the alt text for images. Other features include downloader fix and blocked-link security alert.

Setting up Firefox and Chrome Preferences

When an order is processed using the auto-print deliver method in Firefox or Chrome, the PDF files are downloaded and appear across the bottom of the screen.

  1. Right-click on the downloaded PDF file and select always open files of this type.
    The very first time that PDF file is opened with Firefox or Chrome the Quick Setup for Web Components Opener window appears.
  2. Complete the following:
    1. Select the No, show the download box always (recommended) radio button.
    2. Select the Yes, fix the download box check box.
    3. Click 'Next >'.
    4. Select the Turn symbol font text into standard symbols check box.
    5. Select the Block chrome urls for better security check box.
    6. Click 'Next >'.
    7. Set the preference.
    8. Select Always remember the preferences.