AudienceView Connect

Deleting a Miscellaneous Item from an Order

Once a miscellaneous item has been added to the order, you can remove the item from the order, if you have the appropriate permissions. If the miscellaneous item came with a membership, deleting the item from the order will remove the membership, and any of its associated benefits or passes from the customer account.

To delete items from an order, complete the following:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Order tab.
    The Order|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the that order you want to work with. For more information, refer to Searching for an Order.
    The Order|Summary page appears.
    Charges are displayed on the Order|Summary page.
  4. Select the Items tab.
    The Order|Items page appears. For more information, refer to Viewing or Modifying a Miscellaneous Item on an Order.
  5. If not already visible, click the item you want to delete to view its details.
  6. To delete the item, click the 'select?' check box next to the item you want to delete.
  7. Click 'Delete'.
  8. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the order.
  9. Click 'OK'.
If a miscellaneous item was purchased via a promotional code, the promotional code must be entered to delete the miscellaneous item from the order.