AudienceView Connect

Creating a Dataloader Job

Once the dataloader control files and data files are stored correctly on the server, you are able to create a dataloader job.

To create a new dataloader job, complete the following:

  1. Open the Utilities application from the AudienceView Desktop application.
  2. Select the Dataloader tab.
    The Dataloader|Search page appears.
  3. Click 'Create New'.
    The Dataloader|Load page appears.
  4. Select the desired control file from the 'Control File' dropdown.
  5. Click 'Update Details'.
    The data source section expands.
  6. For each data file that needs to be associated to the control file:
    1. Click 'Attach File'.
      The 'Attach File' dialog box appears.
    2. Click 'Browse...'.
      The Explorer window opens.
    3. Browse to and select the desired data file.
      You are returned to the 'Attach File' dialog box.
    4. To return to the Dataloader|Load page without selecting a data file, click the 'Cancel' button.
      You are returned to the Dataloader|Load page.
    5. Click 'Attach File'.
      The notice message box appears with the message 'File has been attached, please save your work.'
    6. Click 'OK'.
      You are returned to the Dataloader|Load page with the data file attached.
  7. Schedule the the dataloader job.
    For more information, refer to Scheduling a Dataloader Job to be Run.
  8. Click 'Create'.
    A window confirms that the application created the dataloader job.
  9. Click 'OK'.