AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Proofing a Bundle

Overview of a Proofing Extract

The proofing extract provides a summary of the details of the bundle and its versions. The Bundle Proofing extract is run from the Bundles|Details page.

The extract summarizes the following information for each version that exists:

  • The bundle’s basic details (e.g. name, description, producer, payment/delivery methods)
  • Calendar data as entered on the Bundle|Calendar page
  • Elements data as entered on the Bundle|Elements page
  • Any related gift certificates entered on the Bundle|Certificates page

Configuring AudienceView to Use Proofing Extract

The following sections describe how to configure AudienceView before you can run Bundle Proof extract.

Template Setup

Verify that the proofing extract template exists:

  1. Open the General Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Scripts tab.
    The Scripts|Search page appears.
  3. Search for the Bundle Proof template to confirm that it exists. For more information, refer to General Configuration - Scripts|Search Page and Performing Searches.

Take note of the template 'Name' and the 'Content Type'. AudienceView provides your organization with text/html (HTML), file/csv (CSV) and text/avdocument (PDF) scripts for this extract.

Printer Configuration in Registry/System Application

To print the proofing extract, you must ensure that your printers have been setup correctly. For more information, refer to Configuring Printers.

Session Email From Address and Summary Template Setup

To email the a proofing extract, you must ensure that AudienceView email addresses have been configured. For more information, refer to Configuring Email Settings.

Ensure that the value entered in the 'summaryTemplate' field for the Registry application Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSbundleBO node matches the template 'Name'.

MailHost Setup in Registry

To email a proofing extract, you must configure the 'MailHost' address. For more information, refer to Setting the Mailhost.

Running the Proofing Extract

To run the bundle proofing extract, complete the following:

  1. Open the Product Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Bundles tab.
    The Bundles|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the bundle you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Product Configuration - Bundles|Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Bundles|Details page appears.
  4. Choose an option:
    If you want to Then
    run the extract, Click 'Export'. The extract will appear in a new window.
    email, download or print the extract, Click next to the 'Export' button and select the desired option. For more information, refer to Changing the Output of a Bundle Proofing Extract.

    This option also enables you to change the format of the extract.

Changing the Output of a Bundle Proofing Extract

When you run a generated or saved extract, by default the extract appears in a new window in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) format. AudienceView enables you to change the extract output to one of the following options:

Output Description
Download Enables you to save the extract to your local computer or network.
Email Enables you to email the extract to a recipient. You can email the extract in multiple formats at once.
(As of AudienceView 6.8.10)
Enables you to save the extract to a specificed, secure server.
Print Enables you to print the extract.
Screen Enables you to display the extract on screen.
(As of AudienceView 6.8.8)
Secure File Transfer Protocol.
Enables you to save the extract to an FTP service. The delivery of the extract will be secured/encrypted.

When changing an extract’s output, you can also change the extract’s format to one of the following options:

Format Description
AVDOC Formats the extract in Portable Document Format (PDF).
CSV Formats the extract in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format. This format enables you to view the extract in such applications as Microsoft Excel.
HTML Formats the extract in HTML.
Text Formats the extract in a text format. Text documents can be viewed in a text editor such as Notepad.
AudienceView does not provide a script to output to this format.

To change the extract’s output, complete the following:

  1. Open the Product Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Bundles tab.
    The Bundles|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the bundle you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Product Configuration - Bundles|Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Bundles|Details page appears.
  4. Click next to 'Export'.
    A dropdown list appears.
  5. Choose the extract output from the dropdown:
    • Email
    • Download
    • Print
      AudienceView does not provide a script for a text formatted version of the extract.
  6. Choose an option:
    If you are Then
    downloading the extract, In the Download dialog box:
    1. Select the appropriate Bundle Proof format of the extract (AVDOC, CSV, HTML) from the 'Template' dropdown.
    2. Click 'Execute'.
    3. Follow the Windows prompts to open or save the file.
    emailing the extract, In the Email dialog box:
    1. Select the appropriate Bundle Proof format of the extract (AVDOC, CSV, HTML) from the 'Template' dropdown.
    2. Enter the email address of the recipient into the 'Email Address' field.
    3. Optionally, enter a subject and message into the 'Message Subject' and 'Message' fields, respectively.
    4. Click 'Execute'.
    saving the extract to a specificed server,
    (As of AudienceView 6.8.10)
    In the HTTPS dialog box:
    1. Select the appropriate Bundle Proof format of the extract (AVDOC, CSV, HTML) from the 'Template' dropdown.
    2. Enter the user name for the server in the 'User Name' field.
    3. Enter the password for server in the 'Password' field.
    4. Enter the IP address or full URL, including the folder path or port number, for the server in the 'URL' field.
    5. Click 'Execute'.
    After you save the extract , the field will display instead, allowing you to verify the URL.
    printing the extract, In the Print dialog box:
    1. Select the appropriate Bundle Proof format of the extract (AVDOC, CSV, HTML) from the 'Template' dropdown.
    2. Select a printer from the 'Available Printers' field. The available printers are configured by your system administrator.
    3. Click 'Execute'.
    saving the extract to an FTP site with secured delivery (SFTP),
    (As of AudienceView 6.8.8)
    In the SFTP dialog box:
    1. Select the appropriate Bundle Proof format of the extract (AVDOC, CSV, HTML) from the 'Template' dropdown.
    2. Enter the user name for the FTP site that you will be using in the 'User Name' field.
    3. Enter the password for the FTP site that you will be using in the 'Password' field.
    4. Enter the full URL, including the folder path and port, for the FTP site/service in the 'URL' field.
    5. Enter the name that you want the extract to be saved as in the 'File Name' field.
    6. Click 'Execute'.
    After you save the extract , the field will display instead, allowing you to verify the URL.
    viewing the extract on screen, In the Screen dialog box:
    1. Select the appropriate Bundle Proof format of the extract (AVDOC, CSV, HTML) from the 'Template' dropdown.
    2. Click 'Execute'.