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AudienceView Documentation

Product Configuration - Bundles|Miscellaneous Items Page

The Product Configuration application's Bundles|Miscellaneous Items page enables you to sell miscellaneous items along with a bundle. The value of the miscellaneous item is added to the value of the order.

The following image illustrates the Product Configuration application Bundles|Miscellaneous Items page.

The Product Configuration application Bundles|Miscellaneous Items page consists of the following properties:

Field Description
Miscellaneous Item Enter the name of the miscellaneous item that you want to include in the bundle or click to search for and select a miscellaneous item.
For more information, refer to The Find Miscellaneous Items Dialog Box.
Default Option Once a 'Miscellaneous Item' value has been selected/entered, the 'Default Option' field becomes a dropdown.
Select the default option for the miscellaneous item (e.g. medium, large).
Min # Items per Bundle Select the minimum quantity of the selected miscellaneous item that must be purchased with the bundle.
If you do not require customer to purchase the miscellaneous item, enter 0 in the field.
Max # Items per Bundle Enter the maximum quantity of the selected miscellaneous item that can be purchased with the bundle.

If you want to add alternate pricing for the miscellaneous item, click 'Add Price'. The prices section consists of the following properties:

Field Description
Roles Select the role(s) that you want to make the pricing available to.
To select more than one user role, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Amount Enter the monetary value that you want to give the miscellaneous item for the selected role(s)