AudienceView Connect

Creating a Miscellaneous Item Option

To add an option, complete the following:

  1. Open the Product Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Miscellaneous Items tab.
    The Miscellaneous Items|Search page appears.
  3. Select the miscellaneous item that you want to create another option of. For more information, refer to the Product Configuration Miscellaneous Items-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Miscellaneous Items|Details page appears.
  4. Select the Options tab.
    The Miscellaneous Items|Options page appears.
  5. Click 'Add Option'.
    A blank option row appears. For more information, refer to Miscellaneous Item Options Section.
  6. Enter a name in the 'Option Name' field.
    For example, if you want to configure a T-shirt size, enter Small.
  7. Optionally, enter description in the 'Description' field.
    The description displays on the miscItemDetail.asp page in AudienceView Online.
  8. Select Available from the 'Status' field to make the option available when users purchase this item. To make it unavailable, select Unavailable.
  9. Optionally, enter a number in the 'Rank' field to control which option displays first during the sale process. Options ranked with lower numbers display first.
  10. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the miscellaneous item.
  11. Click 'OK'.
An option cannot be deleted if it already exists on an order.