AudienceView Connect

Product Configuration Miscellaneous Items-Options Page

The following image illustrates the Product Configuration application Miscellaneous Items|Options page:

The Miscellaneous Items|Options Page

Miscellaneous Item Options Section

The following image illustrates miscellaneous item options section of the Product Configuration application Miscellaneous Items|Options page:

The miscellaneous item options section of the Product Configuration application's Miscellaneous Items|Options page consists of the following properties:

Field Description
Option Name Enter the name of the option (e.g. Small, Medium, Large).
Description Enter a description of the option.
The description displays on the miscItemDetail.asp page in AudienceView Online.
Status Select Available or Unavailable to make the item available or unavailable for purchase.
Rank Allows you to rank the options for sorting purposes. This enables you specify how options are to be sorted when displayed. Options ranked with lower numbers display first.

Miscellaneous Item Previews Section

The following image illustrates miscellaneous item previews section of the Product Configuration application Miscellaneous Items|Options page:

The miscellaneous item previews section of the Product Configuration application's Miscellaneous Items|Options page consists of the following properties:

Field Description
Description Enter a description of the item preview. This description does not appear on sales pages.
Thumbnail Thumbnail images are displayed on the miscItemsDetail.asp page, and allow users to choose between different views of a product.
Enter the absolute URL (including https://) of the thumbnail image that you want to display on the miscItemsDetail.asp page for the miscellaneous item.
Acceptable image types include .JPG, .GIF and .PNG. For more information, refer to Miscellaneous Item - Thumbnail Image Guidelines.
Click  to ensure that the URL is linking to the correct image.
Small View Small images are displayed on the miscItemsDetail.asp page, and change as the user hovers over each thumbnail image.
Enter the absolute URL (including https://) of the small image that you want to display on the miscItemsDetail.asp page for the miscellaneous item.
Acceptable image types include .JPG, .GIF and .PNG. For more information, refer to Miscellaneous Item - Small Image Guidelines.
Click  to ensure that the URL is linking to the correct image.
Large View Large images are displayed when the user clicks on the small image.
Enter the absolute URL (including https://) of the large image that you want to display on the miscItemsDetail.asp page for the miscellaneous item.
Acceptable image types include .JPG, .GIF and .PNG. For more information, refer to Miscellaneous Item - Large Image Guidelines.
Click  to ensure that the URL is linking to the correct image.
Rank Allows you to rank the previews for sorting purposes. This enables you specify how previews are to be sorted when displayed. Options ranked with lower numbers display first.
Images can be uploaded to your server using the image uploader available within the Correspondence application Message|Build page and the Content Management application Article|Text page. For more information, refer to Inserting an Image in a Message and Inserting an Image in an Article.