AudienceView Connect

Selecting a New Default Contact for a Customer Account

The default contact appears on the Customer|Basic page and is the default contact associated to an order. You can change which contact is the default contact if there are at least two contacts on the account and you have the appropriate permissions.

To select a new default contact for an account, complete the following:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
    The Customer|Search page appears.
  2. Search for and select the customer account you want to set a new default contact for. For more information, refer to Searching for a Customer or Contact.
    If you selected the default contact, the Customer|Basic page will appear, otherwise the Customer|Advanced page will appear.
  3. Select the Advanced tab, if necessary.
  4. Select the contact that you want to set as the default contact from the 'Contact ID' dropdown.
    The contact details appear in the contact details section.
  5. In the contact details section, select the 'Default Contact' radio button.
  6. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the customer.
  7. Click 'OK'.